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UnAmerican BullDykes Are Still Raping Me Daily (crazed rant)

UnAmerican BullDykes Are Still Raping Me Daily (crazed rant)...this was just a crazed rant to try to blow off some steam and get my blo...

Friday, January 9, 2015

What To Know-Know Before Buying A No! No!

What To Know-Know Before Buying A No! No!: For some people, all it does is burn skin and make burnt hair smell while leaving all of the hair. I was so disappointed that I almost cried. I thought this product was going to be my big solution to my body hair problem. I just wanted to buy some time in-between shaves. My hair was too coarse and thick for a No! No! to work on any setting, which is sad because I'm one of the rare cases that has the patience required for using it.


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