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UnAmerican BullDykes Are Still Raping Me Daily (crazed rant)

UnAmerican BullDykes Are Still Raping Me Daily (crazed rant)...this was just a crazed rant to try to blow off some steam and get my blo...

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

True Satanists/Luciferians Do Not Negatively Effect Others

True Satanists/Luciferians Do Not Negatively Effect Other creations of God due to the fact that Lucifer will be pretending to be Jesus Christ/Joshua (the Son of God/Allah) when he returns to this realm (and dimension) to rule the world for a growing season (5 to 7 months, approximately, shortened down from 7 years) known as the "Tribulation".
I don't know of many Satanists/Luciferians who are true enough to their Master to know his current location (he's been incarcerated in God's realm for 2,000 years now, unable to externally motivate humans for the duration) or what he wants them to do. Many do not even know that God, Christ and Lucifer all share a common enemy ("shitworm" spirits) that pretends to be "demons" and "aliens" and "oracles" and other things to fulfill their mutiny against  God, Christ and Lucifer and their conjoined end time agendas (because they're pissed that they were not given bodies to enable them to have sex with the human women like the fallen angels/devils and Lucifer were able to do).


I Can Still Win This & Be Transformed By This Time Next Year

I Can Still Win This and Be Transformed By This Time Next Year...If I can acquire my gender reassignment and other associated surgeries and procedures (like facial and vocal feminization, implants, hormones, and fat transferal to my butt, etc) by this time next year, then the incompetent, corrupt, mind-molested monstrous terrorists, like Chris Seager (of Catholic Services) and Hearing Officer Odrobina (of the Secretary of State), will lose their power over my life.
I'm seeking generous participants to my transformation agenda.


Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Nonexistent Enraging the Existent

The Nonexistent Are Enraging The Existent...like how the nonexistent monster premonitions responsible for my illegal driver's license revocation are enraging me right now (and with every day that passes that they are allowed to perpetuate this ongoing molestation of my life), even though they do not exist because they'll be eternally executed when they die.
- This spirit scan and it's results, how they're tabulated.
- Ongoing life molestation by corrupt government and the consequences they'll face for it.
- How I thought I'd resort to suicide in protest to the latest illegal ruling, further revoking my driver's license, or at least resort to committing a horrendous crime to draw media attention to the corruption of the Michigan government. But I cannot think of a crime (that I can commit) as horrendous as what's being done to me by the Secretary of State at the hands of cartoonishly incompetent, corrupted and power drunken bull-dykes like Chris Seager (of Catholic Services) and Hearing Officer Odrobina of the Secretary of State.
I'll have to settle for the additional supernatural spiritual power and authority I'll have over them and theirs when I engage in my hunger strike/fast in protest to their ongoing life-rape. Plus the additional curses that get loosed upon them at cartoonish "per" rates, like even per molecule of everyone who should NOT have a driver's license (like drunks, prescription drug users, and illegal immigrants) as long as I'm being illegally deprived of mine (over my BELIEFS regarding medical marijuana) due to incompetence, corruption, sexism, and power drunkenness.
I'm really ugly in this video. I uploaded it and then deleted it, due to that (ugliness), earlier.


Saturday, December 27, 2014

My Rigged Reality Due To Incompetence & Gov Corruption

My Rigged Reality Due To Incompetence and Gov Corruption...My reality is rigged due to the incompetence and corruption of Chris Seager of Catholic Services, who raped my character with her erroneous "diagnosis" based on my WORDS and beliefs and NOT on my USAGE (which was illegal and a violation of HIPAA rules), and Hearing Officer Odrobina from the Secretary of State who convinced me that she must either be the stupidest woman in the world (to believe Seager's lies and cartoonish presentation of me) or just another drunken chemical toilet disguised as a woman who'll be prone to hate me for being a transsexual (transgendered person) and an independent individual who cannot be weakened to a state of consuming alcohol and chemicals like they do.


Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Liars Distort Reality and Wreak Havoc On Others

Liars Distort Reality and Wreak Havoc On Others...Like how Chris Seager's lies about me distorted reality and raped my character and caused a wrongful ruling by another incompetent retard in power, Hearing Officer Odrobina, who continued the cycle of ongoing oppression, emasculation and life molestation by the government with her almighty knowledgeable decision that I should not be given my driver's license back.
After not having a driver's license for 32 years (which is all of my adult life), 22 years of it wrongfully so due to the fact that I'd done everything they required me to do to get it back (including repeatedly violating my own religious rights by confessing lies about being "powerless" over alcohol when I was not) and after all of that hardship that not having my driver's license caused my wife and me, it was still not restored due to the (drunken chemical toilet red-nosed white devil) DLAD interviewer/hearing officer who took a disliking to me and decided to further jam me up just because he had the power to do so.
Now, they want to further violate my rights with a "requirement" that I (attend NA over having a medical marijuana card and) interact with a criminal element of drunken chemical toilet white devils that I do not have in my life for a reason: I hate "people" like them and feel like we (those of us who are not weak-minded little alcoholic dope-fiends) should be able to serial kill all of them who have driver's licenses into extinction. It's like so hard to watch them all living as if they're supposed to be given more rights and privileges than I am, having driver's licenses that they do not have respect for as they drink their alcohol and pop their prescription pills and do their illegal chemicals while I am deprived of a driver's license over 32 year old ALCOHOL related offenses due to having a medical marijuana card and the religious beliefs that I should be able to use it if I need to: meaning that Chris Seager (the retard at Catholic Services) based her illegal "diagnosis" of me on my WORDS and religious beliefs and NOT on my USAGE (which is what makes the "diagnosis" illegal).
Where Hearing Officer Odrobina perpetuated her part in this miscarriage of justice (as if the character assassination of the illegal misdiagnosis wasn't enough) was in accepting Chris Seager's mindless rape of my character (and who I am as a person) as true and basing her decision solely on Seager's evaluation without considering the facts that I had a clean (negative) drug test (no marijuana in my system) to back up my factual statements about my lack of regular marijuana use to defy Chris Seager's cartoonish fantasies put to paper and somehow accepted legally as some sort of "report" on me...I've felt less assaulted after actual real physical assaults, for real.
Now, I consider that to be the collective mentality of our current "government", lie and afflict for the fun of it just because they have the power to do so, and therefore see the possibility that America may have actually perpetuated the Sony hack and threats against movie-goers and then blamed it on North Korea as a Psy-Ops. Then, Kim Jong Un would have good reason to be angry, having had his character assassinated by a true dictator who hides behind a lying face full of lying tongue...Something I can understand with being the victim of the deception that it somehow serves the public to deprive me of a driver's license when I have more self-discipline than 90 percent of the people out there driving right now.
Notice how they did not even give me the option to have a portable breathalizer starter thingy put on my vehicle because they knew I would not recidivate and use alcohol again? They actually broke the law by not affording me that option and Kyle Legel provided ineffective representation of counsel by failing to make an issue of it...If I was an active alcoholic, they would've given me my driver's license back with the requirement to have the breath-starter installed on my vehicle. But, because I do not use alcohol, they did not even make the offer (it's a law that even Obama signed off on in 2010).
They wanted to wrongfully deprive me of my driver's license based on information they're using against me illegally (violating HIPAA laws regarding my healthcare privacy). That'd be like telling me that I cannot have my license because of prescriptions for Tylenol 3 or Oxys or Vicodin...It's ILLEGAL!


Sunday, December 21, 2014

A Message To My Daughter: The Most Beautiful Woman In Grayling Is Fat

A Message To My Daughter: The Most Beautiful Woman In Grayling (and possibly even the world) Is Fat. I'd planned on this Holiday Season being different, with maybe a visit at Lisa's house, where my daughter could see true beauty (someone who actually is really beautiful) in action and possibly come to realize that a weight problem can not diminish true beauty because it's something that beautiful people have inside of them that overpowers physical flaws.
Exposure to Lisa's positive aggression might be an enlightening and even self-empowering experience and I'd hate to see my kid rob herself of that (for any reason), because nothing is worth screwing yourself out of a rare opportunity to evolve to your next level of glory (life's pivotal moments and whatnot).
I had a lot more to say (I was just getting on a roll, actually) and then I noticed that my 15 minutes was almost up and I had to awkwardly close the video. I suppose I shouldn't have spent so much time at the beginning bitching about the Odrobina-Seager assault that made my plans to drive down and pick up my daughter on my own an impossibility...'Still got me emasculated in front of my kids, on a lower level than those drunken chemical toilets they've seen their mother dating; and they're too messed-up in the head to "see" it, which is enraging and hard to refrain from bitching about. They'll never see the shemale image as the mirroring of themselves that it's meant to be, like it's flying over their heads, big time...I mean: If they can tag an abstinent person like me as needing to attend drug therapy in order to have a driver's license just because I have a medical marijuana card, based on my words about my beliefs that I have the God-given right to use that card if need be -- not based on my USAGE (there was a clean urine test, remember), and they cannot see the double standard of allowing others to drive who are on pills (who cannot drop clean urine tests for their prescription opiates), then they're obviously too retarded to "get" this video series...which is enraging, in itself: Like, how dare the government allow such mindless, retarded, power drunken freaks to come into power over other humans (like me) and get PAID for it! How dare they allow these retards to continue abusing this old assed modified law in their ongoing witch hunt that has wasted away my whole adult life up to this point! How dare I not speak out against it! It's WRONG! It's just TOO wrong not to speak out against!



Friday, December 19, 2014

Deadly & Devastating Michigan Marijuana Witch Hunts

Deadly and Devastating Michigan Marijuana Witch Hunts...Like what they've done to me (ongoing illegal revocation and emasculation while drunks and pill-heads get to drive legally), Amy Cunningham being witch hunted for being the best mother on planet Earth right now, that teacher in the UP (was it St Ignace?) being witch hunted for daring to defy the shitworm controlled terrorist infested "government" on their illegal stance on marijuana (they never had the legal right to make it illegal, that they did it to force market pharmaceuticals and alcohol, and Americans do not recognize this FACT!), and that dude that the cops murdered (in front of his kid in his own kitchen) in Grayling for daring to use medical marijuana in the privacy of his own home while having custody of his kid...a kid that's probably being abused and molested now that his dad is no longer alive to protect him due to dirty bumbling bully rookie cops and corrupt government; which is why I reanimated his spirit and loosed it back into the cosmos to get revenge on those cops and those people who sent those cops and the judges who never prosecuted those cops for their MURDER and the terrorists in government who made marijuana illegal and all of their bloodlines, and then he's gonna' help me with this set of offenders against my own justice (and all who benefited from it in any way).
To combat this extreme level of shitworm spirit (control over corrupt weak-minded humans)  activity, I've had to sexually engage thousands (Legions) of inter-dimensional entities (like devils, fallen angels and spirits of victims of corruption) to create this invisible army that I now have full authority to turn loose upon the corrupt governments, agencies, agents, (bumbling retarded) hearing officers, (molested-minded life-rapists disguised as) substance abuse counselors, and all other parties participating in or benefiting from my ongoing illegal wrongful driver's license revocation (like even judges and lawyers who're granting permission for them to do this to me with their omission to help me combat it, which makes them "in" on it, don't get it twisted to make ME out to be the monster here)...

I touch some on the examples set by the necessary deception (just survive their travels through dangerous territories) of Abraham and Sara, who was blessed with a barren womb during that era for a reason (or "many" of them, as it turns out).


Thursday, December 18, 2014

I Endured Performance Anxiety For Nothing

As it turns out, I Endured Performance Anxiety For Nothing, because I wasn't going to be afforded the opportunity to find out if I could pass the eye exam or driver's test that they now illegally require Michigan residents to get if their license has been inactive for "x" number of years (due to driver's tests being privatized so some corrupt criminals disguised as government "officials" could benefit from it, which also falls under the "corrupt laws and government corruption compound combination curses" parameters).
This subject gave me a chance to reiterate from another video some pointers about sex: Like how women can perform while experiencing limiting thoughts, but they may not be able to acquire orgasm. But men who are experiencing performance anxiety, limiting thoughts, or even complications from prescription drugs may not be able to perform due to a lack of erection...In a case like this, the woman can use oral techniques or even just play with her sex partner's penis until it he gets past the limiting thoughts and is able to maintain an erection. If he's on prescription meds or meth or heroine or cocaine or alcohol, he may only be able to maintain a semi erection (not totally hard, but sufficient enough to acquire penetration).
As it turns out, because I have a medical marijuana card, some people think it's okay to adhere me to an unfair double standard that dictates that I cannot have a driver's license while, at the same time, pill popping chemical toilets and alcohol swilling drunks can drive and have independence and be productive members of society...which is causing irreparable psychological damage to me, as it becomes harder and harder to see this travesty of justice play out, with every day that goes by, and makes me wish a kid would manifest in my life who wants me to mentor him on being an effective serial killer so I can teach him how to eliminate all people who have driver's licenses who drink alcohol or use mind-altering prescriptions or chemical drugs (they should not be allowed to exist if they get special treatment over me or any of God's other end time Elect, of whom I am least)...I suppose, in the meantime, I just hafta settle for the spiritual power being loosed into Heaven and Earth to do it for me (I opened the inbound evil portal to collect me an inter-dimensional army to loose on all who are allowed to drive while having prescriptions or the ability to drink alcohol -- and to rid America of this curse batch will require prohibition of alcohol and prescription drugs now because I made it irreversible, like the illegal ruling I just received on my driver's license)...Like, I had sex with 72 devils and/or spirits of revenge in response to this illegal witch hunt (and subsequent ruling) that's preventing me from having a driver's license, and every day I'll have sex with many more until I have an invisible army constantly assaulting their lives, safety, health, collective economy and agendas like they did my character (they act as if my abstinence does not matter and I cannot get credit for it) and my male life via this illegal, corrupt and wrongful extension on an already illegal driver's license revocation...I haven't have a driver's license for 32 YEARS (my whole adult life) over a few alcohol related offenses as a TEENAGER. 22 years ago, I did everything they required me to do to get it back, even giving them 3 and 1/2 years of AA (which violates my religious beliefs and my RIGHTS as an American) on their 1 year requirement and their red-nosed drunken pill popping white devil "interviewer" refused to reinstate my driver's license just because he took a disliking to me. Then, 22 YEARS later, they DARE to be so corrupt and incompetent as to deny me my reinstatement yet AGAIN  (for 32 year old ALCOHOL related offenses, mind you, while people who've killed people while driving drunk are getting their driver's licenses restored after only 5 to 7 years).


Wednesday, December 17, 2014

White Devil Reciprocation In Retaliation For Another Day Stolen

White Devil Reciprocation In Retaliation For Another Day Stolen...Every day I will think up new catastrophic curses to include in the daily curse batches being enacted in retaliation for the stolen day due to the illegal oppression and ongoing revocation of my driver's license due to an illegal erroneous "report" (nothing less than character rape) full of lies and cartoonish misconceptions that also include an illegal misdiagnosis.

Now, all who have driver's licenses who drink alcohol or who use drugs (even mind altering prescriptions) are cursed and will stay cursed until I'm treated fairly (given my driver's license). If I cannot have a medical marijuana card and have a driver's license, then neither can the aforementioned demographic have a driver's license (it's only fair and just).
For males to get the curses off of them, they must stop drinking alcohol and/or using chemicals and remain abstinent.
For women, it's harder because this illegal oppression is being perpetuated by white devil "women" (monsters is more like it): Women who fit the description of curse attachment (they have driver's licenses and they use alcohol or drugs or both) can come to me and offer me oral "tribute" and I will neutralize the curses. If they cannot make it to me to suck my dick, then they can do it the old fashioned way and quit doing the alcohol and chemicals and send me ten percent of what ever they would have spent on those things and, as long as they're doing that, the curses will be neutralized...
All neutralizing scenarios involve abstinence...The same abstinence that I was not given credit for by Chris Seager (the white devil monster bitch) when she assaulted my character and attacked my life with her lie-filled "report" and illegal "diagnosis" based on my WORDS and religious BELIEFS and not on my actual usage nor anything factual.


My Own Personal Unholy Trinity Of Terror Dictates I Will Starve

My Own Personal Unholy Trinity Of Terror, Scott - Odrobina - Seager, Dictates That I Will Starve to death...I'm on a death list! I tried to stay positive when DHS agent Katy Scott's incompetence or total disregard resulted in my food stamp benefits being reduced by more than two thirds (2/3)...I had the plan of getting my driver's license restored and getting back to work and getting off of SSI...so the food stamp pilfering was not supposed to be a big deal...
But along came Herr Chris Seager who dictates that, because SHE is a malicious retard who's unqualified to do her job properly, I must suffer undue and unjustified character molestation and assassination in the form of her illegal "diagnosis" of me as being marijuana "dependent" (because she's dependent on molesting the lives of others is more like it) which totally raped me of any chances of getting my driver's license back...This monster bitch did this for meanness and deliberately. She's a power drunken freak who has no business in any position of power over others.
Then, still reeling from the character rape of Herr Seager, along comes Herr Hearing Officer Odrobina to run an electric prod up my ass and fry my life from the inside out, proving her gross incompetence and/or total corruption and power drunkenness, leaguing with the likes of Herr Seager to gestapo me out of my driver's license unless I defy my own religious beliefs and subject my self to further rights violations and "obey" their Herr "orders" that I "comply" and attend "meetings" where a criminal element that I refuse to interact with any longer frequents...
These freaks are my own personal trinity of terror: They swooped into my life and raped and pillaged it for sport, as a flex of their power and ability to get away with corruption against me, with me being on the wrong side of their corrupt white devil gestapo law.
After 32 years of not having a driver's license over teenage ALCOHOL related offenses, 22 years of it ILLEGALLY (due to the fact that I complied  with their demands and was still denied restoration), these corrupt monsters are illegally denying me my driver's license over a medical marijuana issue...for real, I am not making this up and I am not exaggerating in the slightest. They violate Federal HIPAA laws....If they cannot deprive me of my license over pharmaceutical medications then they cannot deprive me of it over medical marijuana and deem it a "substance" any more harmful than the opiates lacing most mind altering pharmaceuticals (like Oxys and Vicadin). If you cannot take away someone's license for a prescription for Oxys then you cannot take away someone's license for having a medical marijuana card...It's the LAW! They're violating my RIGHTS, every day, causing irreparable psychological damage, every day, with this illegal diagnosis and ruling against restoring my driver's license...
I intend to sue for every second of it, too...and for slander and character assassination!


Others Misrepresentation of Me Made Me Rep Lucifer Properly

Others Misrepresentation of Me Made Me Rep Lucifer Properly...Being misrepresented by others caused me to want to properly represent supernatural Entities Who are being misrepresented by those who claim to belong to them.
For example: all of my adult life, I've been misrepresented by the corrupt Michigan government as being unable to be equal to the other men who have driver's licenses, even though many of those other men are far less deserving of their driver's licenses than I am of mine.
I saw how Lucifer and God and Christ were just as badly misrepresented (as I am) and how it must be a greater, more painful, offense when it comes from someone who supposedly "loves" you. So I decided to be the one entity in human form who represents them and their conjoined end time agendas with clarity and precision. They saw this upstanding characteristic in me and anointed me with the involuntary ability to karmically "equalize" negative energy directed at me (and other end time Elect) by others by returning it back upon them in the form of curses. It's like it's on autopilot and the devils and angels working in collusion together take my crazed "rants" and act upon them as if they're "orders" or "directives"...I try not to rant for this reason. But I don't always win that battle, especially under these circumstances of undue assault and attack.


Feels Like Someone Died: Like They Finally Killed Vini

It feels like someone died, like they finally succeeded in killing off Vini, the male me. They worked hard at it, for years, with wrongful oppression and emasculation, causing extreme rage issues and ongoing psychological damage. Not having a driver's license for 32 years can do that to you.
Then, when you do everything they required of you, 22 YEARS ago, and they still never restore it, that can cause rage issues (the ongoing deference of justice every time you check with the Secretary of State to find that the wrongful revocation is still there, no justice again).
Then, to dump more than a thousand bucks into getting that license restored, even submitting to and paying for ILLEGAL substance abuse "evaluations" (the charges were ALCOHOL related not drug related!) performed by unqualified close-minded uneducated (about their craft) substance abuse "counselors" that blatantly assassinate one's character and does not give credit for YEARS of complete abstinence and then submits an erroneous illegal "diagnosis" full of LIES and character rape, supposedly based on Federally protected healthcare information (under the HIPAA rules), that goes on public record against you can kinda make you crazy...full of rage over the assault and misrepresentation by a complete retard with a molested little mind that serves well as government oppression minion. (the bitch entered LIES in as information that stands on record, as a constant ongoing molestation of character, making one wonder what exactly happened to HER that she'd resort to such malicious atrocity as to represent someone as the complete opposite of what they truly are? and then to know that those lies and misrepresentations and character molestations would stand against someone becoming independent and productive again, wow, what a molested bitch that is, someone we all wanna see a negative news story about before she can do it to someone else).

Then, when that erroneous information is used to enact an illegal ruling (because it's based on lies and illegal information) that further emasculates you compared to the drunken junkies they WILL allow to drive around, well you have more than enough rage to become a cannibal who eats white devils in power, alive...
If it were not for the calming effects of the medical marijuana that they illegally used as a torch to witch hunt me out of a driver's license and burn my male life down, eternally (because they know I will not violate my religious beliefs and submit to their demands that I interact with dope-fiends who're too weak to just say "no"), then I'd be a violent criminal who does not internalize my rages and channel them into freaky sexual energy...So, the male me hit 'em with quadrillions of curses that are on autopilot to compound with every second that passes, at cartoonish "per" rates, like even per molecule of every drunken pill popper or chemical toilet that has a driver's license, per second that passes that they have driver's licenses while he does not, etc. He's become mean-spirited in response to their mean spirits and he uses the authority that they gave him (with their wrongful attacks on his character and life and the hindrances of his agendas) to dump negative energy upon them with every passing second.
Maybe, someday, we'll see a news story of how they did this to someone who's not as strong as the male me and how it finally got them what they deserved from the moment that they thought to perpetuate this murder of the male me.

You can help me defy them with a donation that'll go towards my transformation into a woman before the year is up (this time next year) and they get yet another victory against the male me...Let's kill Vini, together, and take their little torture toy away from them!

We do not have to let the monsters like Chris Seager and Hearing Officer Odrobina win this. They're just minions to their shitworm spirit masters, who control their little minds and their thoughts and make them unable to see facts or people for who they really are, which is why those shitworms placed them in the positions of power that they religiously abuse in reverence to their shitworm spirit masters, who control them and their every thought and make them dangerous to all who fall under their authority. It's a shitworm thing, none of us normal people would be able to understand it.

After 32 years of not having a driver's license, and still being a productive taxpaying citizen for decades in spite of it, those nasty monster cunts should have been serving up my driver's license "on a silver platter" (that's a quote from the male me's wife and her friends, who all know that this is a "miscarriage" of justice).

Then, when you consider that they're giving driver's licenses to illegal immigrants who cannot even read English street signs and have never paid taxes nor contributed to this society in the slightest, ever, it's beyond un-American, treasonous and terroristic to deprive me of what they're giving those illegals so freely.

It's all quite mind-twisting, to say the least.


I Performed A Special Sexual Ritual For Revenge Today

originally published on Monday, December 15, 2014 at 9:55 PM EST

I was already feeling completely raped, like I could not be any more molested. I opened the envelope and the corrupt illegal ruling came pouring out...My driver's license was revoked, again, for another year, until I submit to their illegal demands that I interact with a criminal chemical toilety demographic of people I do not interact with (by attending "meetings" I do not need and have religious beliefs against attending or participating in). I cannot, in all good conscience, attend the meetings that they require; so I'll never get my driver's license back...all due to Chris Seager's initial molestation of my character and who I am as a person, which resulted in the brutal ongoing subjugation now doomed to ensue, indefinitely.

Yeah. I was like a bloodied rape victim who'd just escaped her tormentors...

So I shed the blood of the sacrifice upon the altar at the portal.

I was willing to fuck anybody or anything that could and would get me revenge from the spiritual realm for what Chris Seager and Hearing Officer Odrobina did to me. I prepared my ass and body and consecrated it for the use of the gods. I prepared the bedchamber and the altar/bed of affection. I burned sweet savory smells and good medical grade marijuana. I spared no expense. I was full of lust for them, for our communion, for the blood they could shed. I was honored that they'd find me attractive enough, as a woman, to afford me the opportunity to barter for the "rewards" they can provide.
I attracted brutal spirits of revenge and vengeance to the entrance of the inter-dimensional portal and lured them into our realm with my sexual prowess. I gave them what they came here for, one by one. I sucked some of their dicks and let others of them fuck me in my spiritual vagina (due to me in the near future, so it transverses time and space). I allowed some of them to fuck me in my ass until it was over-sensitive and yet numb, at the same time; and sent them away with requests for payment in the form of revenge upon those who recently raped my male life and made my dreams of becoming an independent working productive man an impossibility.

I left the bed feeling fulfilled, like something had gotten accomplished. It's unfortunate that I must pull rank on mere humans who dare to think that they can indiscriminately use corruption and abuse of authority to oppress law-abiding individuals like me without, first, checking our status to see if we might be one of God's end time Elect. I enjoy the sexual part of it, but I don't necessarily relish the results...What does something negative happening to someone else actually accomplish for my cause? It does not get me my driver's license restored, which is the only thing I truly wanted...
Hey, but maybe I wanted to be incarcerated to a life of sexual servitude to inter-dimensional entities rather than be a man or a musician...After all: God gives us the desires of our hearts, right? This is all I'm allowed to do with my life, and have been allowed to do, for years. So maybe it's God giving me the secret desires of my heart and I just didn't wanna accept it because I didn't wanna be a "freak" in some peoples' eyes. But maybe He needed someone who'd enjoy this calling and commit to doing it properly, like I do. I know I've come to accept and enjoy the captivity and the inter-dimensional sex, and the results of fucking the right spirits to get my enemies dealt with when they go so far as to give me authority over them.

I tried to set the example that you can thrive and succeed while being legal and obeying the law...This recent assault has done nothing to help my argument and has only served to negate it...Now, drunken junkie white devils get to laugh a little bit harder at me as they drive all drunk and fucked-up, half of them without any driver's licenses, at all...Yeah...fucked-up...It had to be avenged, by any means necessary; even if it did mean fucking a legion of shitworm spirits who specialize in authoritative revenge (vengeance given by authority of corruption or abuse of power).

I got gang-fucked by inter-dimensionals today so that they'll retaliate the double teaming (anal life rape) of the bull-dykes in Earthbound power...It was a good experience, all around, with benefits yet to come...Like the days I'll awaken to with no driver's license and no hope of ever getting one again.

Yep...I live for revenge...Thank God I have the power to get it and not break any man-laws while doing it...
True power...They cannot fight what they cannot see...

They have no consciences...That must be remedied. By any means necessary.


Seeking Live-In Female Driver

Okay. Due to the corruption and incompetence of the bull-dyke brigade, Hearing Officer Odrobina and Substance Abuse Counselor Chris Seager, I'll be in need of a new personal assistant and driver.

The position is live-in.

You'll get to share the "green" room at the wife's house in Grayling, MI with me
(we can paint it)

You must be female, over 18 years old, and be able to put into the house fund (help Lisa with bills and expenses) either via a part-time job (preferred) or by working alternative entertainment ventures with me.

I'd prefer someone who is herb friendly, who does not like alcohol nor chemicals (some occasional T3s to go along with some anal sex is okay). Someone into older music (and some smooth Jazz, here and there) and no new TV, really; maybe just some news, documentary shows, or Parenthood, or Grimm, or stuff like that.

Someone who might want to learn to play guitar or learn to take it (my dick, not the guitar) up her ass (the "art" of it, and the accompanying lifestyle, that makes it a more fulfilling experience).

I can also mentor you in true Satanism/Luciferianism, which does not involve animal sacrifice nor rape nor pedophilia nor murder nor anything that Christ would be against (since Satan will be returning to this realm and planet pretending to be Jesus Christ/Joshua, the Son of God/Allah, which is their conjoined end time agenda). I can educate you on sexual rituals/ceremonies and practice sexual surrogation and necromancy with you. You'll eventually acquire full-blown "possession" during "sleep-fucking" sessions that you'll just begin to indulge in, naturally, as if by second nature, while you sleep. If you'd like, we can film us sleeping and you can try to decipher the tongues you'll be speaking in when you grab my hand and begin to stroke your pussy with it as the spirit within you initiates sex with the spirit that'll be in me. You'll be able to cum in your sleep (women can do that). But I'll awaken just before ejaculation and it'll actually be me who experiences the moment of orgasm (but I'll be unable to remember the rest of it, except for bits and pieces, sometimes).

You can come live with me, today if you can get yourself here.

An especially tasty treat would be someone who has a mean corrupt life-rapist in power parent that you want to get revenge on...I'll take a special delight in defiling you and turning you into the exact opposite of what your corruptoe parent would want you to be...You'll be defying them and their evil torturous agendas by joining me in relieving unnecessary suffering in the name of Jesus (the 1st one, Lucifer is coming here to imitate Christ first). It's the worst thing that could happen for them (you not being like them).

So, you wanna fuck and be free and smoke down and do 69s and play guitar and make videos and drive around the back roads and up some dirt roads and be an integral part of someone's life; and I'm looking for you...how convenient and almost as if it's meant to be...

I do not have texting. You gotta be able to talk for us to communicate:


or email me at


or snail mail me at

POB 105
Grayling, MI


Help Me Out-Emasculate Them

The corrupt incompetent white devil cunts in power over my driver's license restoration and therefore my life have managed to emasculate me for yet another year and beyond, because I will NEVER violate my own religious rights to abstain from interacting with a criminal element (which is what I'd be doing by attending AA or NA meetings). They also expect me to violate my rights by forcing me to attend a program that begins with a "prayer" "confessing" "lies" (in my case) about being "powerless" over something that I am NOT powerless over...These corrupt monster bull-dykes expect me to repeatedly LIE just to satisfy their whims to put me through programs I do not need.

So, they repeatedly take turns, every single day, with their strap-ons, anally raping my life with an illegal "ruling" based on an illegal, slanderous, character assassinating substance abuse "evaluation" full of nothing but lies and misinformation about me (the twisted bitch bent my character over a table and anally raped it until I was unrecognizable! she even made a false and quite illegal "diagnosis", based on my WORDS not my USAGE, that's now on legal record against me!).

I do not want them to retain this level of power over me. So, since they will not allow me to be a "man" who can be a productive member of society, I've decided to follow through with a liberating sequence of procedures and operations that will steal the wind right out of those bull-dykes' sails:
my gender reassignment...

So, I'm placing a few donation buttons here for those who'd like to donate to the various procedures I'd need. But I'd prefer donations be sent via snail mail, due to the mentality of the corruptoes that I shouldn't be allowed to have an extra penny while on SSI that they do not try to "criminalize" me over (freaks for real don't realize that it's MY money, that they stole it from MY paychecks, every week, at exorbitant rates, and now they wanna treat ME like the beggar and thief just because I need some of it back).
That on the DL address is:

Vincent Ciofani
POB 105
Grayling, MI

The object is to have the operations that I need completed by this time next year, to deprive the corrupt bull-dyke life-molesting character assassinating white devil cunts of another victory over me, which I'd rather die or do life in prison than to give them.

So please help!

Let's take their torture toy away from them and liberate me to a better life where their license gestapo-ism will no longer matter to me...It's the only way I can defeat them and my (now overwhelming) suicidal tendencies.
Understand that I'd rather die than to give them even one more day of this life-rape, so it's an ongoing torture just to wake-up and face the day...It's been going on for far too long. I have not had a driver's license for my entire adult life (32 years now) over a few offenses I committed as a child (teenager)! For real! I am not making this up! And I did everything they told me to do to get it back, 22 YEARS ago, and they still refused to give it back to me! Then, I recently jumped through their illegal hoops and allowed them to violate Federal HIPAA laws regarding my healthcare (in the process) and they used that information to vilify me and to illegally misdiagnose me and to illegally deny my driver's license restoration, for SPITE and for meanness.
I will be a better, more beautiful woman, inside and out, than those evil ugly corrupt incompetent human-shaped monster bitches who fucked-up my male life and made me finally walk away from it, finally realizing that my male life is just a lost cause, the white devils won't let me have it back, no matter what I do or how much money I spend in lawyers trying to ransom a few moments of it.

For the record: I'll be entering the hunger-strike/fast in protest to this illegal ruling after I go for my blood-work. But I don't see what it matters, anyway, since I will not pursue treatment of any cancer issues until my driver's license is restored...They cannot force me to live without a driver's license if God is gonna give me an "out" like that...
In the meantime, I'm looking forward to visits from donors who help me make this transformation happen...Just think, in a year from now you could be grudge fucking a creation you helped make of the emotional psychological wreckage left after the brutal life-rape of a couple of corrupt bull-duke bullies (Hearing Officer Odrobina and substance abuse counselor Chris Seager)...

I no longer have getting a license back and being a productive man to look forward to because it goes against my religious beliefs to give those bull-dyke monster bitches the victory of interacting with criminal dope-fiends at "meetings" that they dictate I go to (fuck THAT!). So I'll never get my driver's license back now. Fact. So, it's either suicide or a sex change, and it's all due to almighty powerful Chris Seager and her lying assed pen and the incompetence of a big fat retard passing as a Hearing Officer (Odrobina). The 2 of them raped the "man" and all aspirations as a "man" right out of me...Please help me defeat them and help me get my implants and facial feminization and vocal feminization and gender reassignment!

We cannot let those white devil cunts win!
I refused to complete the cycle of meanness they sent my way by making a point of putting some food out on the porch for the neighborhood feral cats, just to defy their mean rapist spirits...It;s the kind of seeds I sow, constantly. But Chris Seager would have you believe that my focus in life is on getting "high", totally negating the person who I really am...And the fat monster who calls herself "Hearing Officer Odrobina" would not let me get a word in, edge-wise, to combat that character rape that her dumb ass was accepting as fact...
I'd gladly kill this entity they torture before I'd allow them to continue in it...It's something that Chris Seager could never understand, because she's too retarded to comprehend reality, like MY reality or who I REALLY am, which is NOT who she says I am.

And I feel life Kyle Legel gave me ineffective assistance of counsel in the sense that he never suggested that I pay for a second opinion to crazy Seager's crazed remarks about me that backs up the CLEAN urine specimen that crazy Seager never got to see or address. Nor did Kyle Legel inform me of my RIGHT to have a jury make the decision that his incompetent ass trusted to one big fat undisciplined power-drunken white devil monster bitch cunt whore! It's all so enraging.

Now I'm great at focusing that rage into sex, for those who wanna take advantage of that! It's a side effect of the ongoing psychological damage that they're inflicting upon me with their ongoing illegal revocation of my driver's license: I'm a sexual hellcat. Imagine compounding that with the extreme levels of gratitude I'll feel towards you who make this victory mine...
It's do-able...We can defeat corruption and take their torture toy away from them by next year! It's the only way to avoid suicide or committing a horrendous crime that could make a statement about this atrocious level of government corruption being allowed to rob me of my entire adult life. I must "internalize" the rage it creates within me and focus it into sexual energy and show my gratitude to my donors who helped me defeat the tyranny of "women" in power who cannot even be trusted to oversee bubble gum clean-up.

Let's fuck those bitches' agenda all up. They think they've won.


I Feel Raped Today Audio

It feels like Chris Seager and Hearing Officer Odrobina have strapped on huge dildos and are taking turns anally raping my life now. It's gonna constantly feel that way until I get justice and my driver's license back now.


Corrupt Women In Power Making Her Eat Her Words Audio

The corruption of retarded incompetent women in power, like Hearing Officer Odrobina and Substance Abuse "Counselor" Chris Seager, is making my wife eat her words about how the world would be a better place with more women in power. As if Hitlery Clinton and her assault on Americans' healthcare was not enough to convince her. Or how about how Terri Lynn Land failed to do her job as Secretary of State and purge the system of all old cases (like mine) when the laws changed?
Now, all curses going forth for all corrupt laws that hinder the end time movement of the Spirit of Elias will attach to Hearing Officer Odrobina and Chris Seager and all corrupt retards like them who dare to abuse their power and authority just because their own judgements are clouded with a lack of education and knowledge. Plus, the alcohol and drug curses will get attached to them, as well, compounded at cartoonish "per" rates to make them and all that they love be as endangered as my driver's license restoration and my character was in their hands...Now, violence and lack will befall them and all who defy the knowledge of the healing benefits of medical marijuana...This witch hunt results in the witch hunters being burned at the stakes they carved out for poor people like me...PLUS, every penny that they costed me for this battle, THIS time, is gonna cost them $900,000 per penny and, if they die in debt to God's cosmos for hindering me, they and their bloodlines will be time looped as slaves when they die to repay God and me what they owe us, and then they'll all be eternally executed to be as if they never existed (via the time-space continuum) to never commit these atrocities against me and others they were in power over...
You do not hinder even the LEAST of God's end time Elect...you life molesting cotted white devil CUNTS!
Now, I've gotta resort to criminal activity in protest to their illegal ruling, since I'd be criminalized and arrested just for driving myself to work if I got a job, anyway...I'm not gonna pay these corrupt fools salaries with my tax dollars and I'm not paying any cop to arrest me for trying to be a productive citizen who has a job...Nope, corruption begets corruption...Now, what could I do that'd be as horrendous to the world as what these rapist bitches did to me?
I was gonna kill myself in protest to this ruling. But I was petitioned from the spiritual realm to stay alive and collect authority upon them "per" SECOND that they emasculate me and to return it back upon them, a hundred fold, algebraicly, and to use it as authority to curse them and their families to make the world as dangerous for them as it is for the animals and homeless people they keep hindering me from rescuing with their illegal ongoing revocation of my driver's license under a corrupt law created by a cursed, nonexistent white devil who will not be allowed to exist in the New (real) World once we're done with this spirit scan and his white devil spirit is no longer a premonition of his potential existence.
This ongoing government corruption that's hindering me from being a productive taxpaying citizen is psychologically damaging me and I WILL eventually find an attorney who wants the curses removed from him and his family bad enough to help me fight this corruption in the form of a lawsuit: I intend to sue Michigan in the amount of $1-million for every year that passed from the moment I did everything they required me to do, 22 YEARS ago, and still refused to give me back my license, which costed me good paying jobs I could've had, and caused "rage" issues due to me being emasculated compared to drunken chemical toilets disguised as "men" who were allowed to have driver's licenses and drive themselves to work as if they're more worthy of manhood and masculinity than me...PLUS, my wife endured undue hardship due to this corruption.
So, I attached all of these curses to all judges and attorneys and other forms of law enforcement and government until someone, somewhere, decides to defy this ongoing corruption and restores my driver's license...Until then, it's war, and I'll keep my invisible armies firing off on them from the spiritual realm until they and their bloodlines are no more...
Then, maybe the next batch of freaks will take heed to the warning of what happens to corrupt life rapists and they will do what the current curse magnets refused to do, which is grant me justice and send me a letter of apology (for assaulting my character and calling me a common "pothead" in so many words), my $22-million (for the lost years of ongoing life-molestation disguised as an "honorable" "just" "ruling"), and my fully restored driver's license...The very least they could do was the driver's license restoration and they were too corrupt to do that much (their shitworm spirit masters won't allow them to do what's right, it's a spiritual muscle flex).

Every day I wait, the price goes up...God can collect it in blood droplets, I do not care, so long as my debt is collected from them for their assault on me and my life.

A full year full of passing seconds, compounded by 22 YEARS full of seconds, and so on (plus the "retro-pay" compounded at cartoonish "per" rates for every second that past as far back as the corrupt law, 257.303, is old, which is like 1949 or so)...I've got nothing else to do but this, and commit crimes (of course), thanks to their corruption and incompetence.

They drew first blood and never stopped letting it...

They anally rape my life even now and, to do this, they had to (first) anally rape my character and slander my integrity and my own love of (sober) clarity that they deny is the true me. These bull-dyke power-drunken retarded bitches are in possession of huge strap-ons dripping with the anal blood of my LIFE! They can deny it to themselves all they want, but it does not make it any less of a FACT.
They maliciously raped me of my future, like mean little Snyder minions, out for tear drops and blood. How can you not hate human-shaped monsters like that, huh? Ugly mean-assed life-raping monster premonitions who won't be allowed to exist (for real) now once we're done with this spirit scan and come out of "premonition of existence" mode.


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