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UnAmerican BullDykes Are Still Raping Me Daily (crazed rant)

UnAmerican BullDykes Are Still Raping Me Daily (crazed rant)...this was just a crazed rant to try to blow off some steam and get my blo...

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Deteriorating Health Since The Rape - My Wife Will Sue For Wrongful Death

My Health is Deteriorating Since The Rape of the male me perpetuated by Chris Seager of Catholic Services and Hearing officer Odrobina of the Michigan Secretary of State.  When I die, My Wife Will Sue For Wrongful Death.
My blood pressure won't go down. I'm not following up on the cancer bullshit as long as I have nothing left to live for. So, in a sense, the monster bitches killed me with their assault that government corruption enabled them to do.
This is a rant to relieve the stress being caused by the PTSD I'm coming down with due to their attack on my (male) life. I also assume my spiritual authority over all corrupt government and all corrupt laws and lawmakers (and enforcers of those bad laws) as far back as the (terrorists disguised as) government illegally made marijuana illegal so they could pimp their sorceries of man (pharmaceuticals laced with opiates to support terrorsim) and force market alcohol to kids (like they did to me and have castrated me for succumbing to it all of my adult life).
My wife will probably also sue Kyle Legel for ineffective representation of counsel for doing less than a paralegal would've done for me, like got me a second opinion on record to dispute Seager's fantasies about me disguised as a "report" or a jury decision instead of how he played it: file some papers, show up at the hearing and let a monster premonition disguised as a "woman" and "hearing officer" screech at me, disrespect me, mispronounce my name even after I told her retarded fat ass how to pronounce it, and walk all over me, accepting Seager's cartoonish fantasies about me as fact when the clean urine sample was a more factual representation of the REAL (male) me and my (his) character...See how I'm completely beside myself?
If there's a God in Heaven, these monster bitches and their bloodlines are cursed now and so is their corrupt government and all of their collective agendas.
When I leave this body, I go back to full size and I'll be back in my prime (as all spirits are who graduate from this spirit scan) and I fully intend to spit upon the Sun on my way out of here, which will either douse it or cause it to explode...either way, the shitworm agendas of unnecessary suffering (even on psychological levels like they've done to me) will cease to exist because they'll be time looped as all of their victims, ripple effects victims, and victims of their influence and decisions, and then they'll be eternally executed to be as if they never existed to commit their atrocities that they committed while merely premonitions of their potential existences.
I say: good riddance...just look at how monstrous and contaminated they are...


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