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UnAmerican BullDykes Are Still Raping Me Daily (crazed rant)

UnAmerican BullDykes Are Still Raping Me Daily (crazed rant)...this was just a crazed rant to try to blow off some steam and get my blo...

Saturday, February 28, 2015

UnAmerican BullDykes Are Still Raping Me Daily (crazed rant)

UnAmerican BullDykes Are Still Raping Me Daily (crazed rant)...this was just a crazed rant to try to blow off some steam and get my blood pressure to drop. It gets high every day when I think about how illegal immigrants are being given driver's licenses while I'm being illegally deprived of mine due to a couple of UN-American bull-dykes who dictate that I cannot have a driver's license and still maintain my health or have a medical marijuana card. I was denied getting my license back (that I lost 32 years ago over 3 ALCOHOL related offenses while I was a teenager) due to my possession of a medical marijuana card and my religious beliefs that I have the right to use it for my failing health and NOT based on my actual USAGE which is ILLEGAL! Chris Seager of Grayling Catholic Services gave me an ILLEGAL marijuana dependency "diagnosis" based on my WORDS and my religious beliefs and the fact that I possess a medical marijuana card, which is all privileged information that is protected under Federal HIPAA laws, and not based on my actual USAGE because I had a clean drug test to back up my truthful claims of abstinence at the time (which drove up my PSA numbers and almost gave me cancer again). "Hearing Officer" Odrobina of the Michigan Secretary of State participated in this ongoing rape by using Chris Seager's illegal "diagnosis" (based on privileged information) as her basis for her illegal "ruling" to deny my appeal to get my license back after 32 YEARS of not having one (over ALCOHOL offenses not drug or marijuana offenses), totally ignoring my clean drug test that proved that I was being truthful about my abstinence at the time...My PSA levels during that era are further testament to my integrity that was insulted by the bull-dykes who rape me every day with this ongoing illegal, wrongful and unjust driver's license revocation.
I'm seeking a lawyer to help me sue Michigan and Catholic Services for this injustice and psychological damage they're causing me.
My videos are my proof of what's being done to my psyche by this terrorism disguised as "justice".


Saturday, February 21, 2015

You Don't Exist Yet

You Don't Exist Yet. You are currently in the 3rd dimension of a 12 dimensional device in a "laboratory" (so to speak) as a premonition of your potential existence. While you are here, you are being "scanned" for your desirability for the real version of this simulation of the future. If you do not "graduate" from this spirit scan to return to actual existence, then all that you laid in escrow will be transferred to those who do graduate to the "New Earth".
If you fail to graduate, you will be time looped as your victims, ripple effects victims, and victims of your influence before you are eternally executed to never exist to commit your offenses against others who are also being scanned here.
"Do unto others as you want done to you (in the time loops of judgement)"
"The wealth of the wicked (the non-graduates) is laid-up (in escrow) for the just (the graduates)"
"The wages of sin (consequences for spirit scan failure) are (eternal spiritual) death"
All of those scriptures scientifically apply to the contract you agreed to when you entered this simulation as the potential you.


Saturday, February 14, 2015

Marijuana Prevents Cancer

Regular medical grade marijuana use prevents cancer, it's another fact I proved. When I was being abstinent from marijuana for a few months last year to get my driver's license back (abstinence that Chris Seager nor Hearing Officer Odrobina gave me credit for) I had a blood test with high PSA results (they wanted to check for prostate and colon cancers). I opted to wait for biopsies, since my readings were normal before I quit using marijuana, and went back to marijuana usage and anal sex (with devils for revenge on the rapists who raped the male me and slandered my character). A month or so after maintaining my marijuana health regimen, I had blood tests again and normal PSA numbers again.
So that THREE (3) medical conditions I personally have proven marijuana cures:
Marijuana cures cancer.
Marijuana prevents cancer.
Marijuana lowers high blood pressure and stabilizes it (defying the GMO assault on your body designed to stroke you out or give you a heart attack).
Marijuana relieves psychotic outbursts and onslaughts and is an effective preventative medication against bipolar rants.
These are all facts that the quacks and government minions disguised as "doctors" do not want to acknowledge and do not want you to know.

This message is brought to you on behalf of Substance Abuse Counselor Chris Seager of Catholic Human Services of Grayling and Hearing Officer Odrobina of the Michigan Secretary of State who are currently engaged in an ongoing rape of my male life with an illegal collaborative effort to further deprive me of a driver's license (after 32 years of not having one over 3 alcohol related offenses while I was a teenager) due to my possession of a medical marijuana card and my religious beliefs about my rights to use marijuana for health reasons and not based on my actual usage (I even had a clean drug test to prove I was abstinent at the time) which is illegal. But it's illegal to interfere with my healthcare or to penalize me for it, so I give them credit for all truth I bring to the public while being deprived of my American rights to be healthy and to my own pursuits of happiness.

This is what I must do with my spare time without a driver's license. If I had a license, I could volunteer at the horse rescue ranch or the animal shelter, instead. But Odrobina and Seager want you to have the truth and that's more important than providing me with justice after all of this time.


Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Your Imminent Doom Is Not God's Will

Your Imminent Doom Is Not God's Will, nor is it Christ's or Lucifer's will. Lucifer wants as many adoring subjects as possible when he returns to this planet to rule it for a growing season "as" Jesus Christ/Joshua (the Son of God/Allah). The lesser caliber spirits, that many of us commonly refer to as "shitworm spirits" or "shitworms" for short, have been on a mutinous agenda against God, Christ, and Lucifer (and their conjoined end time agendas) ever since they were cast to this dimension and were deprived of bodies that would have enabled them to have sex with the human women (like the fallen angels and Satan were doing).
Part of the mutinous agenda of the shitworms is to perpetuate genocide on the humans so that there are fewer "subjects" to worship Lucifer when he arrives pretending to be Jesus.
The shitworms also are busying themselves with dumbing down entire populations so that the women will be too stupid, childish, self-absorbed and infantile for the fallen angels and Lucifer to find sexually desirable (because they are not pedophiles nor rapists nor defilers of innocence, which are all shitworm traits).
Shtiworms are impotent (in the common sense) and are therefore prone to cause violence and unnecessary suffering whenever they can. It's also a testament to them being lower caliber spirits that cannot be trusted with bodies: Just look at the atrocities they cause those who're susceptible to their influence to commit upon other creations of God (murder, rape, pedophilia, genocide, extortion, theft, subjugation, enslavement, etc). It's like their minds were raped and God knew better than to trust them with bodies. What's funny is, when this spirit scan ends, they're gonna get what they wished for (to be in bodies) because they will be time looped as every victim (human and animal) of their influence before they are eternally executed to never exist to cause those atrocities (the same fate awaits those that they controlled and caused to commit those atrocities).
So, armed with this knowledge, you see how your impending doom is actually the will of lesser (lower) caliber spirits (than Satan and the fallen angels who will accompany him) and not the will of God (Allah) nor Jesus Christ/Joshua (His Son), nor Lucifer (who will be impersonating Christ, soon).


Saturday, February 7, 2015

Banks Now Legally Own Your Money

What they were distracting from with all of the Psy-Ops (from protests to Cosby and everything in-between) is what they were doing to the American people: Like, at the "G" Summit, how they made it legal that banks now own all deposited money and can "categorize" and confiscate it due to any state of emergency they deem feasible. Or, how about the UN "treaty" that put something into motion that will soon evolve into a full-blown gun-grab in America? Yeah, nobody protested over either of these atrocities that effect so many MILLIONS of people...zombified population. Hypnotized by the mainstream with the "dumb-down". Now, they can't run when the time comes...It's all by design.
Notice how the MSM is "covering" the "DeflateGate" witch hunt Psy-Ops instead of the SOTU? Yeah. Something bad being distracted from there, too.


Wednesday, February 4, 2015

CDC Admits Vaccines Ineffective! Expose Measles False Flag Psy-Ops

CDC Admits Vaccines Ineffective! Expose Measles False Flag PsyOps! source video is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FPOMJYpuAXw

This message is brought to you on behalf of Substance Abuse Counselor Chris Seager of Catholic Human Services of Grayling and Hearing Officer Odrobina of the Michigan Secretary of State who are currently engaged in an ongoing rape of my male life with an illegal collaborative effort to further deprive me of a driver's license (after 32 years of not having one over 3 alcohol related offenses while I was a teenager) due to my possession of a medical marijuana card and my religious beliefs about my rights to use marijuana for health reasons and not based on my actual usage (I even had a clean drug test to prove I was abstinent at the time) which is illegal. But it's illegal to interfere with my healthcare or to penalize me for it, so I give them credit for all truth I bring to the public while being deprived of my American rights to be healthy and to my own pursuits of happiness.

This is what I must do with my spare time without a driver's license. If I had a license, I could volunteer at the horse rescue ranch or the animal shelter, instead. But Odrobina and Seager want you to have the truth and that's more important than providing me with justice after all of this time.


Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Angela Bassett's 'White Devil' Challenged My Transsexuality

Angela Bassett's 'White Devil' in American Horror Challenged My Transsexuality for a moment. That'd be 3 women who can do that, my estranged wife being one of them. An apology for my lack of attire changes at my wife's house where I usually shoot these videos (I'm still homeless).


Monday, February 2, 2015

Marijuana Is Constitutionally LEGAL!!

Marijuana Is Constitutionally LEGAL!! I've been saying, for years, that our rights regarding marijuana were violated before we were born because the treasonous traitors and terrorists who've been impersonating and posing as the American "government" since the Lincoln administration never had the legal right to make it illegal (just to force market pharmaceuticals and alcohol and tobacco) in the first place. Just like they never had the right to stop electric and hydrogen car production just to force market gas powered cars and oil sales.
Everyone in American government who is against the legalization of marijuana is a treasonous traitor, a terrorist, or both...FACT.
source video is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3rhhI930z1w


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