"Hearing Officer" Odrobina of the MI Sec of State is still too feeble-minded to accept scientific FACT (clean drug screen) over fairy-tales from a life-rapist (Chris Seager of Catholic Human Services) and Kyle Legel is still too effeminate to properly rep me, so I'm still being denied justice (no driver's license) over childhood alcohol related offenses. They're engaged in an orgy of sodomizing my life with every passing second and nobody will help me escape or get justice.
Featured Post
UnAmerican BullDykes Are Still Raping Me Daily (crazed rant)
UnAmerican BullDykes Are Still Raping Me Daily (crazed rant)...this was just a crazed rant to try to blow off some steam and get my blo...

Friday, September 11, 2015
Monday, August 31, 2015
Help Me Sue MI Secretary Of State & 'Hearing Officer' Odrobina
Seeking Well-hung Black Attorney To Help Me Sue MI Secretary Of State and 'Hearing Officer' Odrobina for rights violations and for ignoring scientific fact (my clean drug screen) to deprive me of a fair ruling based on cartoonish fairy-tales in a "report" and an illegal "diagnosis" (which violates Federal HIPAA laws) by Chris Seager of Catholic Human Services in Grayling.
Sunday, August 16, 2015
Purging Rape Rages Part 2 of 2
Purging Rape Rages Part 2 of 2: Some of the rants I have when I'm deprived of food and medication and faced with people who're less qualified to drive than I am who have driver's licenses while I'm being wrongfully and illegally denied restoration of my own license after 32 years of not having one over childhood alcohol related driving offenses...something I receive as nothing less than a violent assault...They're literally raping my LIFE! Every day! I keep blowing this rape whistle, but nobody responds!
shemale justice denied
part one is at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dKPl97cBuZ8 ~
Purging Rape Rages Part 1 of 2
Purging Rape Rages Part 1 of 2: Some of the rants I have when I'm deprived of food and medication and faced with people who're less qualified to drive than I am who have driver's licenses while I'm being wrongfully and illegally denied restoration of my own license after 32 years of not having one over childhood alcohol related driving offenses...something I receive as nothing less than a violent assault...They're literally raping my LIFE! Every day! I keep blowing this rape whistle, but nobody responds!
shemale justice denied
Wednesday, August 12, 2015
Sunday, August 2, 2015
Wednesday, July 29, 2015
Saturday, July 4, 2015
Why Satan Hates Blood Sacrifices
Why Satan Hates Blood Sacrifices: Because he's returning to impersonate Jesus Christ/Joshua, who was the last blood sacrifice and the only sacrifice acknowledged and accepted by God/Allah since Christ (his Son/clone) was crucified. It's sacrilege to offer a blood sacrifice to a blood sacrifice.
This message is brought to you on behalf of Substance Abuse Counselor Chris Seager of Catholic Human Services of Grayling and Hearing Officer Odrobina of the Michigan Secretary of State who are currently engaged in an ongoing rape of my male life with an illegal collaborative effort to further deprive me of a driver's license (after 32 years of not having one over 3 alcohol related offenses while I was a teenager) due to my possession of a medical marijuana card and my religious beliefs about my rights to use marijuana for health reasons and not based on my actual usage (I even had a clean drug test to prove I was abstinent at the time) which is illegal. But it's illegal to interfere with my healthcare or to penalize me for it, so I give them credit for all truth I bring to the public while being deprived of my American rights to be healthy and to my own pursuits of happiness.
Sunday, June 28, 2015
Message To MI Sec Of State Of Intent To Sue For Odrobina's Abuse of Power & Map 21 Violation
Message To MI Sec Of State Of Intent To Sue For Odrobina's Abuse of Power and Map 21 Violation
This message is brought to you on behalf of Substance Abuse Counselor Chris Seager of Catholic Human Services of Grayling and Hearing Officer Odrobina of the Michigan Secretary of State who are currently engaged in an ongoing rape of my male life with an illegal collaborative effort to further deprive me of a driver's license (after 32 years of not having one over 3 alcohol related offenses while I was a teenager) due to my possession of a medical marijuana card and my religious beliefs about my rights to use marijuana for health reasons and not based on my actual usage (I even had a clean drug test to prove I was abstinent at the time) which is illegal. But it's illegal to interfere with my healthcare or to penalize me for it, so I give them credit for all truth I bring to the public while being deprived of my American rights to be healthy and to my own pursuits of happiness.
Wednesday, June 24, 2015
Message To Catholic Services Of Intent To Sue For Chris Seager's Rape Of My Life
Message To Catholic Services Of My Intent To Sue For Chris Seager's Rape Of My Life when she illegally put my HIPAA law protected private healthcare information on the table as a platform to write a false evaluation and erroneous diagnosis for the purpose of depriving me of a restoration of my driver's license.
Chris Seager is a demented white devil man-hating bull-dyke who waits outside for her interviewees to show up so she can see if they drove themselves to the interview so she can include that in her report to try to deprive them of driver's license restoration. Chris Seager is a power drunken retard who is NOT qualified to make judgements on people regarding drug, alcohol, nor marijuana use and she MUST be fired before she can damage any more lives.
Due to you employing Chris Seager to assault my character, integrity and, subsequently, my LIFE; you now owe me for a lost driver's license, lost money invested in trying to get it restored, a lost job, lost wages, and psychological damage I'm constantly enduring as her damage to my life is ongoing.
Part of my lawsuit will include the stipulation that Chris Seager be fired.
I WILL win because you're in violation of Federal HIPAA laws regarding healthcare privacy and Chris Seager was so gung ho to rape me that she included it in her fairy-tale laced "report" and (illegal) "diagnosis".
This message is brought to you on behalf of Substance Abuse Counselor Chris Seager of Catholic Human Services of Grayling and Hearing Officer Odrobina of the Michigan Secretary of State who are currently engaged in an ongoing rape of my male life with an illegal collaborative effort to further deprive me of a driver's license (after 32 years of not having one over 3 alcohol related offenses while I was a teenager) due to my possession of a medical marijuana card and my religious beliefs about my rights to use marijuana for health reasons and not based on my actual usage (I even had a clean drug test to prove I was abstinent at the time) which is illegal. But it's illegal to interfere with my healthcare or to penalize me for it, so I give them credit for all truth I bring to the public while being deprived of my American rights to be healthy and to my own pursuits of happiness.
Thursday, June 18, 2015
Message To Hearing Officer Odrobina Of Intent To Sue For Power Abuse & Law Violations
Message To Hearing Officer Odrobina Of My Intent To Sue For Power Abuse and Law Violations and for being too incompetent to make a proper judgement based on EVIDENCE (like scientific FACT in the form of a clean drug screen) and the ongoing rape you perpetuate on me with your illegal ruling based on OPINIONS that contradict scientific FACT.
You never had the legal right to require drug evaluations and screens over ALCOHOL related offenses, in the first place. PLUS, you denied me the benefit of the Map 21 LAW that Obama signed off on that required you to (at LEAST) give me a restricted driver's license with an ignition interlock stipulation, which is an abuse of power and a violation of the law and a violation of my RIGHTS to have that law apply to me (since, legally, it does). You denied me the benefits of the LAW. You are too incompetent to be in your position and you MUST be fired...It'll be a stipulation in the lawsuit settlement that you be fired for what you did to me.
You, Odrobina, owe me a good paying job and loss of wages and for the psychological damage done to me when you denied me justice at the hearing. I expect you to be fired and to be deprived of YOUR driver's license now.
This message is brought to you on behalf of Substance Abuse Counselor Chris Seager of Catholic Human Services of Grayling and Hearing Officer Odrobina of the Michigan Secretary of State who are currently engaged in an ongoing rape of my male life with an illegal collaborative effort to further deprive me of a driver's license (after 32 years of not having one over 3 alcohol related offenses while I was a teenager) due to my possession of a medical marijuana card and my religious beliefs about my rights to use marijuana for health reasons and not based on my actual usage (I even had a clean drug test to prove I was abstinent at the time) which is illegal. But it's illegal to interfere with my healthcare or to penalize me for it, so I give them credit for all truth I bring to the public while being deprived of my American rights to be healthy and to my own pursuits of happiness.
Thursday, June 11, 2015
Message To Chris Seager Of Intent To Sue For Life Rape & Character Assassination
Message To Chris Seager Of Intent To Sue For The Rape of my life, the lost job I had lined up, the lost income, the psychological damage I incurred at having my integrity assaulted, and Character Assassination and for violating Federal HIPAA laws by putting my healthcare methods on the table and LYING about my marijuana usage, which my clean drug screen PROVED. Catholic Human Services will regret hiring someone (like you) who is not qualified to make judgements and diagnoses of people due to your lack of knowledge about medication and the health benefits of marijuana. I WILL be avenged for your assault on my character and integrity and for your fairytales about me...It's worth BILLIONS to me, but I'll settle for millions and you being fired.
This message is brought to you on behalf of Substance Abuse Counselor Chris Seager of Catholic Human Services of Grayling and Hearing Officer Odrobina of the Michigan Secretary of State who are currently engaged in an ongoing rape of my male life with an illegal collaborative effort to further deprive me of a driver's license (after 32 years of not having one over 3 alcohol related offenses while I was a teenager) due to my possession of a medical marijuana card and my religious beliefs about my rights to use marijuana for health reasons and not based on my actual usage (I even had a clean drug test to prove I was abstinent at the time) which is illegal. But it's illegal to interfere with my healthcare or to penalize me for it, so I give them credit for all truth I bring to the public while being deprived of my American rights to be healthy and to my own pursuits of happiness.
Saturday, June 6, 2015
Message To Kyle Legel Attorney At Law: Do Your Job
Message To Kyle Legel Attorney At Law: Do Your Job and use the law to get my driver's license restored! The LAW is on our side! It's illegal to require drug tests and evaluations over alcohol related offenses. And, according to MAP 21, which Obama signed off on himself, if I'm still a risk then I'm to be given a restricted license with an ignition interlock device that tests my breath for ALCOHOL use before my vehicle will start. To deny me that ruling was a violation of that law. Just like it was a violation of the law for "hearing Officer" Odrobina to ignore scientific FACT, my clean drug screen, over an OPINION of an evaluator. It's time for you to set the precedent and get it on the books that these abuses of power are illegal. Stand UP! Be a LAWyer already!
This message is brought to you on behalf of Substance Abuse Counselor Chris Seager of Catholic Human Services of Grayling and Hearing Officer Odrobina of the Michigan Secretary of State who are currently engaged in an ongoing rape of my male life with an illegal collaborative effort to further deprive me of a driver's license (after 32 years of not having one over 3 alcohol related offenses while I was a teenager) due to my possession of a medical marijuana card and my religious beliefs about my rights to use marijuana for health reasons and not based on my actual usage (I even had a clean drug test to prove I was abstinent at the time) which is illegal. But it's illegal to interfere with my healthcare or to penalize me for it, so I give them credit for all truth I bring to the public while being deprived of my American rights to be healthy and to my own pursuits of happiness.
Thursday, June 4, 2015
Working Class Power No Elite Can Overcome
Working Class Power No Elite Can Overcome: Before the elite treasonous traitors and terrorists in power can shut-off all communication via turning off the power and/or the internet, the working class who have something to barter with should connect on a network not controlled by the sub-spirits (who control the elite in power) so that they can survive the coming societal collapse being brought about by the freaks in power.
This message is brought to you on behalf of Substance Abuse Counselor Chris Seager of Catholic Human Services of Grayling and Hearing Officer Odrobina of the Michigan Secretary of State who are currently engaged in an ongoing rape of my male life with an illegal collaborative effort to further deprive me of a driver's license (after 32 years of not having one over 3 alcohol related offenses while I was a teenager) due to my possession of a medical marijuana card and my religious beliefs about my rights to use marijuana for health reasons and not based on my actual usage (I even had a clean drug test to prove I was abstinent at the time) which is illegal. But it's illegal to interfere with my healthcare or to penalize me for it, so I give them credit for all truth I bring to the public while being deprived of my American rights to be healthy and to my own pursuits of happiness.
Saturday, May 30, 2015
Terrorists & Treasonous Traitors Posing As "Government" Are Starving Us
Terrorists and Treasonous Traitors Posing As "Government" Are Starving Us
This message is brought to you on behalf of Substance Abuse Counselor Chris Seager of Catholic Human Services of Grayling and Hearing Officer Odrobina of the Michigan Secretary of State who are currently engaged in an ongoing rape of my male life with an illegal collaborative effort to further deprive me of a driver's license (after 32 years of not having one over 3 alcohol related offenses while I was a teenager) due to my possession of a medical marijuana card and my religious beliefs about my rights to use marijuana for health reasons and not based on my actual usage (I even had a clean drug test to prove I was abstinent at the time) which is illegal. But it's illegal to interfere with my healthcare or to penalize me for it, so I give them credit for all truth I bring to the public while being deprived of my American rights to be healthy and to my own pursuits of happiness.
Wednesday, May 27, 2015
Speaking For MI Sec Of State As They Rape Me Denying Scientific Fact Favoring Seager's Lies
I'll Speak For MI Secretary Of State As Long As They Rape Me by Defying Scientific Fact (my clean drug test) over Chris Seager's Lies in her cartoonish "report"...Bumbling "hearing officer" Odrobina cannot read nor comprehend FACTUAL evidence over the lies of a molested life rapist (Chris Seager).
On behalf of Michigan Secretary of State, I will expose all Psy-Ops and government corruption, especially regarding marijuana and its healing properties and medical benefits.
This message is brought to you on behalf of Substance Abuse Counselor Chris Seager of Catholic Human Services of Grayling and Hearing Officer Odrobina of the Michigan Secretary of State who are currently engaged in an ongoing rape of my male life with an illegal collaborative effort to further deprive me of a driver's license (after 32 years of not having one over 3 alcohol related offenses while I was a teenager) due to my possession of a medical marijuana card and my religious beliefs about my rights to use marijuana for health reasons and not based on my actual usage (I even had a clean drug test to prove I was abstinent at the time) which is illegal. But it's illegal to interfere with my healthcare or to penalize me for it, so I give them credit for all truth I bring to the public while being deprived of my American rights to be healthy and to my own pursuits of happiness.
Monday, May 25, 2015
My Ex Is Still Retarded & Damaging Our Daughter
My Ex Wife Is Still A Retarded Self-Absorbed White Devil, Damaging Our Daughter with her white devilism. She doesn't want my daughter to have anything to do with me after damaging the kid so badly that she's wasting away her youth hiding away like a socially challenged hermit who can't even talk on the phone and has no natural inclination for family or a relationship with her dad.
If my ex wife were an adult and not so self-absorbed, she'd see the damage she's done in depriving the kid of a father figure all of these years and offer to drive the kid out to see me, herself. But her pastor is just another charlatan behind a pulpit who needs his ass kicked for his whack influence...Just LOOK at HIS "fruit": Got her daughter in the closet, nice and convenient for when she wants to take her out to play...How sick and twisted can someone get?
Sad to see that she's still a monster, after all of these years. Kicking people out of her house for trying to talk some sense into her.
And here I was, all ready to let the past be the past and forgive the white devil and everything, too....wow. Chemical dope damage to the brain CAN be permanent and here's your example. Still unable to rise up to even pretend to be my equal. Still beneath me, all self-serving and money grubbin'. (that's just so ugly)
Wish I Could Die: How Catholic Services & Sec of State Make Me Feel
(recorded on Friday May 15th, 2015, reposted publicly here today): I've been under Martial Law for almost 33 years now, illegally deprived of my driver's license (over 3 alcohol related offenses when I was a teenager) even though I did everything required to get it back, 22 years ago and then, last year, my rights were violated even further when I was illegally required to submit to an illegal substance abuse evaluation that illegally put my private healthcare information (protected by Federal HIPAA laws) on the table to illegally "diagnose" me as "marijuana dependent" during an era when I was not even using marijuana and had the clean drug screen to prove it, a clean drug test (SCIENTIFIC FACT) that was illegally ignored by "Hearing Officer" Odrobina to give me another illegal furtherance of revocation with illegal stipulations (that violate my rights to religious practice) illegally requiring me to attend NA meetings and confess lies out of my mouth that I'm dependent on something that I am NOT dependent on.
Regardless, of opinion, scientific FACT was ignored and I was denied a fair and just hearing by an impartial hearing officer. Kyle Legel, the "attorney" I paid to rep me (not hold the coats of life rapists), failed to pound that scientific FACT into Odrobina's thick skull during final arguments, nor did Kyle bring up the fact that she can no more deny me a driver's license simply for possessing a Medical Marijuana card and having the religious beliefs that I have the right to medicate with it any more than she could've made that ruling based on prescriptions for Tylenol 3 or Oxycontin or Valium, because it was PRIVILEGED information, protected by Federal HIPAA Laws in the first place.
It's illegal to require drug screens and private healthcare information to restore someone's license over ALCOHOL related offenses, anyway, and I needed a fierce lawyer who could make sure they didn't get away with it. Instead, I had Kyle Legel..."Good goin', Kyle".
Sunday, May 17, 2015
Push sans intro
the Michigan Secretary of State wants you to know that:
is the ONLY effective treatment against:
Paranoid Schizophrenia;
Bipolar disorder; (AND associated psychotic rants)
High Blood Pressure;
(all forms of) Cancer;
Muscular Dystrophy;
and other such ailments...
Marijuana also effectively prevents cancers and violent emotional lows which bring about psychotic onsets.
This message is brought to you on behalf of Substance Abuse Counselor Chris Seager of Catholic Human Services of Grayling and Hearing Officer Odrobina of the Michigan Secretary of State who are currently engaged in an ongoing rape of my male life with an illegal collaborative effort to further deprive me of a driver's license (after 32 years of not having one over 3 alcohol related offenses while I was a teenager) due to my possession of a medical marijuana card and my religious beliefs about my rights to use marijuana for health reasons and not based on my actual usage (I even had a clean drug test to prove I was abstinent at the time) which is illegal. But it's illegal to interfere with my healthcare or to penalize me for it, so I give them credit for all truth I bring to the public while being deprived of my American rights to be healthy and to my own pursuits of happiness.
is the ONLY effective treatment against:
Paranoid Schizophrenia;
Bipolar disorder; (AND associated psychotic rants)
High Blood Pressure;
(all forms of) Cancer;
Muscular Dystrophy;
and other such ailments...
Marijuana also effectively prevents cancers and violent emotional lows which bring about psychotic onsets.
This message is brought to you on behalf of Substance Abuse Counselor Chris Seager of Catholic Human Services of Grayling and Hearing Officer Odrobina of the Michigan Secretary of State who are currently engaged in an ongoing rape of my male life with an illegal collaborative effort to further deprive me of a driver's license (after 32 years of not having one over 3 alcohol related offenses while I was a teenager) due to my possession of a medical marijuana card and my religious beliefs about my rights to use marijuana for health reasons and not based on my actual usage (I even had a clean drug test to prove I was abstinent at the time) which is illegal. But it's illegal to interfere with my healthcare or to penalize me for it, so I give them credit for all truth I bring to the public while being deprived of my American rights to be healthy and to my own pursuits of happiness.
Saturday, May 16, 2015
SneakPeak How Dark Seager & Odrobina Made My Life 05-15-2015
Sneak Peak At How Dark Chris Seager of Grayling Catholic Human Services and "Hearing Officer" Odrobina of the Michigan Secretary of State Made My Life, Friday 05-15-2015.
I've become very angry over the injustice of having an incompetent "hearing officer" disregard scientific FACT in the form of a clean drug screen, accepting Chris Seager's cartoonish, stupid, ignorant, molesty, lie laden OPINION disguised as a "report" as reason enough to rape my life by denying me my driver's license restoration and daring to stipulate that I go interact with nasty weak-minded dope fiends by attending N/A (something I cannot do without eventually killing one of those spineless weak freaks that made my life so hard with their weaknesses) in order to get my license back.
I was also denied the benefit of the Map 21 law that Obama signed off on stating that (at minimum) I be given a restricted driver's license with an ignition interlock (breathalyzer) start system, which also violated my rights.
I was denied a fair hearing under the ruling of a just and competent hearing officer AND effective representation of legal counsel because my lawyer, Kyle Legel (I know, ironic, isn't it?), did not include it in his final statement about the scientific factual clean drug screen to make the retard who had my life in her hands, Odrobina, understand that she had no right to deprive me of my driver's license based on the lies of a molested man-hating life molester (Chris Seager) who, herself, had no legal right to make reports on privileged (FICAA Federal law protected) private healthcare information.
What they effectively did was they witch hunted me and penalized me for possessing a medical marijuana card and having the religious belief that I have the right to medicate with marijuana instead of with chemcals (pharmaceuticals/the sorceries of man), illegally "diagnosing" me as "marijuana dependent" when I was not even using marijuana and dropped a clean drug screen (and high PSA level blood test) to prove it.
Thursday, May 14, 2015
Don't Blame Satan For CERN
Don't Blame Satan For CERN, because what's happening there is being influenced by mutinous lower caliber spirits who sabotage God, Christ and Lucifer and their conjoined end time agendas. The lower caliber spirits may be trying to destroy the harvest that Christ and Lucifer intend to perform their showdown over.
This message is brought to you on behalf of Substance Abuse Counselor Chris Seager of Catholic Human Services of Grayling and Hearing Officer Odrobina of the Michigan Secretary of State who are currently engaged in an ongoing rape of my male life with an illegal collaborative effort to further deprive me of a driver's license (after 32 years of not having one over 3 alcohol related offenses while I was a teenager) due to my possession of a medical marijuana card and my religious beliefs about my rights to use marijuana for health reasons and not based on my actual usage (I even had a clean drug test to prove I was abstinent at the time) which is illegal. But it's illegal to interfere with my healthcare or to penalize me for it, so I give them credit for all truth I bring to the public while being deprived of my American rights to be healthy and to my own pursuits of happiness.
Monday, May 11, 2015
MI Sec of State Says “Marijuana Cures Cancer”
Marijuana Cures Cancer
This shemale will speak for the Michigan Secretary of State as long as they’re illegally raping him/her of his/her driver’s license with hearing officer Odrobina’s incompetence and abuse of her authority that resulted in her denying scientific FACT (a clean drug screen) while accepting a cartoonish opinion and illegal (FICAA law violating) “diagnosis” from Chris Seager of Catholic Human Services as a judging platform.
The requirement that alcohol related driving offenders must submit to DRUG screens and evaluations for license restoration is ILLEGAL and a violation of FICAA healthcare privacy laws. Then, when you illegally ignore scientific FACT (a clean drug screen) to issue further revocation on someone’s driver’s license based on their religious beliefs and their possession of a medical marijuana card and NOT on that individual’s actual usage, you’ve exposed that you’re either incompetent, a power drunken authority abuser, or both.
Plus: Odrobina, in her haste to rape this individual of her/his rights, denied Vincent Ciofani the benefit of the Map 21 law that Obama himself signed off on that requires all who fit Ciofani’s criteria who may still be a risk for drinking and driving to be given a restricted driver’s license with an ignition interlock (breathalizer starter) stipulation. Odrobina violated law and protocol when she failed to at least issue that level of restoration after not having a driver’s license for 32 YEARS (his entire adult life) over 3 ALCOHOL related offenses when he was a kid (teenager). Because Ciofani was not a risk for drinking and driving due to his abstinence and physical aversions to alcohol and chemical drugs, Odrobina opted to deprive Ciofani the benefit of the Map 21 law, which is illegal abuse of power.
Odrobina and Chris Seager need to be fired and Kyle Legel should never call himself an “attorney” again if he cannot even defeat this level of blatant government corruption and targeting of a transgender person. Ciofani has a lawsuit and eventually a REAL lawyer will help him sue Michigan Secretary of State for $22-million, that’s $1-million for every year that passed since he fulfilled the requirements to get his license back (22 years ago) and was denied justice by yet another alcohol swilling white devil “hearing officer” who also took an immediate disliking to Ciofani and illegally deprived him of restoration just like Odrobina did in December of 2014.
Ciofani also has a lawsuit against Catholic Human Services and Chris Seager for the character assassination and assault on his integrity and for violating Federal HIPAA laws by putting Ciofani’s PRIVATE (Federally protected?) healthcare information in her report for the purpose of jamming him up and depriving him of a driver’s license restoration (as molested bullies tend to do). Seager is a typical cycle completing molester of lives. She even waits outside for interviewees to see if they drove themselves to the interviews (that Secretary of State ILLEGALLY requires of alcohol related offenders) so she can jam them up in her “reports”. Seager is a classic white devil monster who thinks it’s her job to jam people up. She is NOT qualified to be a substance abuse counselor as long as she is so grossly ignorant of the health benefits of marijuana and the Psy-Ops against it (perpetuated by the government and big pharma and doctors who are their minions) that so thoroughly molded her opinions about marijuana FOR her (typical molested mind in power she should not have).
As long as Michigan Secretary of State illegally denies Vincent Ciofani his driver’s license restoration due to the bullying and incompetence of the molested bull-dykes (Odrobina and Seager) who are raping him, the messages of the health benefits of marijuana will be brought to the public as if they’re coming directly from the Secretary of State.
When the Michigan Secretary of State stops raping Vincent Ciofani and issues him his driver’s license, the messages going forth on their behalf will stop.
Help us spread the word for Michigan Secretary of State about the health benefits of marijuana and forward this email and post it on your sites!
Thanx in advance, Freedom Fighters, for joining this online protest against government corruption, abuse of power, and rights violations!
Sunday, May 10, 2015
Blessed Assurance
Blessed Assurance self collaboration from the video sample...Pseudo Punk version of the old hymn written by Fanny J. Crosby and Phoebe P. Knapp. I've been playing this song like this for about 25 years now.
Lyrics are:
Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine!
O what a foretaste of glory divine!
Heir of salvation, purchase of God,
Born of His Spirit, washed in His blood.
This is my story, this is my song,
praising my Savior all the day long;
this is my story, this is my song,
praising my Savior all the day long.
Perfect submission, perfect delight!
Visions of rapture now burst on my sight;
Angels descending bring from above
Echoes of mercy, whispers of love.
Perfect submission, all is at rest!
I in my Savior am happy and blest,
Watching and waiting, looking above,
Filled with His goodness, lost in His love.
See me singing praises while Chris Seager and Hearing Officer Odrobina are raping me with my "attorney" holding their coats for them?
Happy Mother's Day to all mothers, except for white devil mothers like Chris Seager and Hearing Officer Odrobina and their mothers and Kyle Legel's mother, all of whom should never have been allowed to spawn because of the negative effects that spawning has on the innocent, like me.
Friday, May 8, 2015
Katy Perry Wouldn't Know Satan If He was Jizzing In Her Butt
Katy Perry Wouldn't Know Satan If He was Jizzing In Her Butt, or she'd know that he has been unable to interact with humans for 2,000 years due to him not being in this realm (He's hangin'-out with Christ awaiting his chance to return to fulfill his part of their conjoined end time agendas, which is to impersonate Christ while ruling the World for a growing season).
This message is brought to you on behalf of Substance Abuse Counselor Chris Seager of Catholic Human Services of Grayling and Hearing Officer Odrobina of the Michigan Secretary of State who are currently engaged in an ongoing rape of my male life with an illegal collaborative effort to further deprive me of a driver's license (after 32 years of not having one over 3 alcohol related offenses while I was a teenager) due to my possession of a medical marijuana card and my religious beliefs about my rights to use marijuana for health reasons and not based on my actual usage (I even had a clean drug test to prove I was abstinent at the time) which is illegal. But it's illegal to interfere with my healthcare or to penalize me for it, so I give them credit for all truth I bring to the public while being deprived of my American rights to be healthy and to my own pursuits of happiness.
Thursday, May 7, 2015
Who Are The Infidels
Who Are The Infidels: what an infidel is as defined by Allah (God), which is anyone who claims to love, know, or represent Allah while denying the deity of His Son (clone), Jesus Christ/Joshua...Ironic that those who are really the infidels are calling others infidels and running amok killing those who are not infidels.
This message is brought to you on behalf of Substance Abuse Counselor Chris Seager of Catholic Human Services of Grayling and Hearing Officer Odrobina of the Michigan Secretary of State who are currently engaged in an ongoing rape of my male life with an illegal collaborative effort to further deprive me of a driver's license (after 32 years of not having one over 3 alcohol related offenses while I was a teenager) due to my possession of a medical marijuana card and my religious beliefs about my rights to use marijuana for health reasons and not based on my actual usage (I even had a clean drug test to prove I was abstinent at the time) which is illegal. But it's illegal to interfere with my healthcare or to penalize me for it, so I give them credit for all truth I bring to the public while being deprived of my American rights to be healthy and to my own pursuits of happiness.
Wednesday, May 6, 2015
MI Lawmakers Need To Find New Lines Of Work
MI Lawmakers Need To Find New Lines Of Work for allowing the trillions of dollars Michigan was given for the roads to be pillaged and for allowing terrorist attacks (like double taxing the elderly on pensions that've already been tax burdened and stealing the college kids' education funding -- both attacks via Snyder the Terrible Treasonous Terrorist -- and the tax breaks for the wealthiest percentile and ObamaCare) to effect the citizens of Michigan...It was those "officials'" JOBS to protect the best interests of the citizens of Michigan, which they failed to do (they need to be fired and tarred and feathered for exploitation of the people and fraud). They should be embarrassed about their gross incompetence. But you'll find that lack of self-consciousness across the board in Michigan ahem "government"; even in the Secretary of State, who allow a bumbling man-hating bull-dyke bully ('Hearing Officer' Odrobina) to RAPE me of my life via an ILLEGAL driver's license revocation furtherance based on cartoonish lies and fairy-tales disguised as a report and "diagnosis" from another bumbling man-hating bull-dyke bully life rapist/character assailant (Chris Seager) while denying scientific FACT in the form of a clean drug screen, all illegal and a blatant display of abuse of power and authority.
So, here's another video brought to you by the Michigan Secretary of State. Hope you like it. I could be working right now if Seager and Odrobina weren't such shameless rapists and if Secretary of State weren't incompetent enough to allow it.
This rape is costing the taxpayers money: Money I could be paying in taxes and money I would not be getting from SSI.
Odrobina and the Michigan Secretary of State are in violation of Federal HIPAA laws and my rights as long as I'm being deprived of my driver's license due to my religious beliefs about marijuana (and my right to medicate with it) and my possession of a medical marijuana card. I intend to sue Michigan for those violations as well as for pain and suffering, emotional damage (they assaulted my character and integrity and denied scientific FACT to illegally deprive me of my driver's license!), and loss of income. I'll gladly barter intimate encounters to any attorney who can help me desolate them in court...I want $22-million, minimum, which is $1-million for every year that passed from when I tried to get my license back, 22 years ago, and was wrongfully denied restoration just like I was last year.
This message is brought to you on behalf of Substance Abuse Counselor Chris Seager of Catholic Human Services of Grayling and Hearing Officer Odrobina of the Michigan Secretary of State who are currently engaged in an ongoing rape of my male life with an illegal collaborative effort to further deprive me of a driver's license (after 32 years of not having one over 3 alcohol related offenses while I was a teenager) due to my possession of a medical marijuana card and my religious beliefs about my rights to use marijuana for health reasons and not based on my actual usage (I even had a clean drug test to prove I was abstinent at the time) which is illegal. But it's illegal to interfere with my healthcare or to penalize me for it, so I give them credit for all truth I bring to the public while being deprived of my American rights to be healthy and to my own pursuits of happiness.
Tuesday, May 5, 2015
Proposal 1 Is Rape & Terrorism Disguised As Legislation
Michigan Proposal 1 Is Rape and Terrorism Disguised As Legislation: check the website to see if you're registered to vote even if you did not register. If you're registered but you did not register yourself then you need to vote against Proposal 1 to negate your stolen vote in favor of it, because that's what's been happening in Michigan (voter fraud and election tampering) for YEARS. They vote on behalf of those who never vote and those who never vote never even know that their voting identity has been stolen.
This message is brought to you on behalf of Substance Abuse Counselor Chris Seager of Catholic Human Services of Grayling and Hearing Officer Odrobina of the Michigan Secretary of State who are currently engaged in an ongoing rape of my male life with an illegal collaborative effort to further deprive me of a driver's license (after 32 years of not having one over 3 alcohol related offenses while I was a teenager) due to my possession of a medical marijuana card and my religious beliefs about my rights to use marijuana for health reasons and not based on my actual usage (I even had a clean drug test to prove I was abstinent at the time) which is illegal. But it's illegal to interfere with my healthcare or to penalize me for it, so I give them credit for all truth I bring to the public while being deprived of my American rights to be healthy and to my own pursuits of happiness.
Monday, May 4, 2015
Why Aliens Do Not Matter
Pirated from a private website: Why Aliens Do Not Matter...Just because something is introduced into this spirit scan device that our species is not familiar with does not make it "alien" or "extraterrestrial". This video uses found art from youtube and other sources, as well as recycled media, to better educate and convey the audio message. No intent to infringe on any copyright nor do I take credit for anyone else's media.
This message is brought to you on behalf of Substance Abuse Counselor Chris Seager of Catholic Human Services of Grayling and Hearing Officer Odrobina of the Michigan Secretary of State who are currently engaged in an ongoing rape of my male life with an illegal collaborative effort to further deprive me of a driver's license (after 32 years of not having one over 3 alcohol related offenses while I was a teenager) due to my possession of a medical marijuana card and my religious beliefs about my rights to use marijuana for health reasons and not based on my actual usage (I even had a clean drug test to prove I was abstinent at the time) which is illegal. But it's illegal to interfere with my healthcare or to penalize me for it, so I give them credit for all truth I bring to the public while being deprived of my American rights to be healthy and to my own pursuits of happiness.
Wednesday, April 29, 2015
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
White (the cracker song) Self-Collab from the guitar/vocal video sample Lyrics are:
- I can't show no compassion to you 'cuz I'm white. I can't give credit where it is due 'cuz I'm white.
[- Pawn your guitar, buy the meds that you need, while I help these rapers make babies' butts bleed 'cuz I'm white...white...
- I can't show proper kudos to you 'cuz I'm white. I want my stuff and all your stuff, too, 'cuz I'm white.
[- I'll take your money and molest your life. If you try to live it, I'll f*%k-up your life, 'cuz I'm white...yeah, I'm white...white
[-] God I'm so special, just look at me win, at the expense of the hole that you're in. 'Won't be embarrassed, no red in my skin, 'cuz I'm white...
Whi-i-iy-i-hite! God, I'm so special...God, I'm so special...I eat my own!...God, I'm so special...'cuz I'm whi-i-i-i-ite! God, I'm so special...I eat my own!...Yeah, God, I'm so special...God, I'm so special...God, I'm so special...
written by Vincent Nick Ciofani III
This song kinda borrows from an old hit...I didn't notice it until I just listened to it...It was unintentional, but kinda' funny, if you think about it.
this is a comedy song sarcastically poking fun at the mentality of white devils, white devils like Chris Seager of Grayling Catholic Human Services and MI Secretary of State Hearing Officer Odrobina who are engaged in an ongoing rape of my character and life with an illegal and completely erroneous "diagnosis" (that my clean urine debunked) and the resulting illegal ruling of further revocation made as a result of it, or the white devil quacks and government minions disguised as "doctors" who participated in the Psy-Ops against marijuana which made this (deprivation of meds due to not being covered as "prescriptions" and the Seager-Odrobina rape) possible, or white devils like my sisters and "family" who dump thousands of dollars a year into hypocrite training centers/pedophile playgrounds known as "churches", where they were taught to judge people and turn their noses up at $10-million per year empires while I struggle to maintain enough meds to keep cancer at bay, or my drunken junkie brothers who ran my grandpa off of the planet for dope and now have my grandma sick enough to die from them being loser flops who smoke in her house while my "Christian" aunt allows them to do it, or any of the passive terrorists on the Forbes Fortune 500/passive terrorist List worth more than the $420-million glutton cap, or any of the GMO/Monsanto white devils currently poisoning the population with their science experimentation on our food and vaccine supply who're actually retarded enough to think that they can patent God, Christ and Lucifer's ALREADY patented (by them) plants on this planet in this simulation without getting God-smacked, or any white devil currently posing as American "government", or any white devil who vandalizes someone else's life or send viruses online or can't make positive comments on videos or does not aggressively fight against the animal cruelty and pedophilia growing at alarming rates in America due to retarded whack subhuman inferior mainstream media and sports influences and (ahem) "role models", or any white devils who're junkies funding and causing torture, rape, murder and terrorism by cartels, gangs and terrorists due to their weak-mindedness making them think that they're "special" enough to warrant those levels of suffering just so they can get "high", or any self-absorbed white devils who cannot "see" themselves as they negatively effect others, or any of the molested bullies who feel the need to complete the cycle by molesting someone else of their peace via bullying or rape or cruelty, or any of the molested white devils committing adultery for the cheap thrill they remember as kids, or any of the Grayling white devils who prank called me and gang stalked my wife and me and never apologized because they're products of inferior raising and became nasty little fake "Christian" secret dope hoes or any of the northern Michigan "musicians" who refused to jam with me after that homophobic ongoing gang stalking, and especially about any white devils from the Detroit area who're in the mainstream who never reached down to pull me up because of their fear of me "shadowing" them.
The more mean-spirited white devils are towards me the more mean-spirited I'll become and reciprocate it upon them, 500-quadrillion fold (an algebraic equation most retarded mean-spirited molested white devils will never comprehend).
The white devilism has gotten redundant, so redundant that it's now comical in its sadness.
Monday, April 27, 2015
the Girl
the Girl/Void Vid Sampled: I sampled the guitar/vocal video and added Bass, guitars and back-up vocals; which is what I've been calling "video sampling". This is my 6th video sample (I believe, I lost count). This is one of my own songs from a coupla' years ago. the download is at https://soundcloud.com/BelaCulo and the mp3 is at http://www.reverbnation.com/belaculo or at http://www.noisetrade.com/BelaCulo ~~ This is a Pseudo Punk original...Pseudo Punk is a genre I created in Detroit about 22 years ago. It's still the ugly step-child that the music industry does not want to acknowledge. But it's not going anywhere, because I did lotsa' Pseudo Punk jams just like this one that people love and won't forget about; so they may as well relent and concede and give it props. This version of the video is using the better (polished) audio I used for the Bela Culo video and the downloads. I tried using youtube video editor to switch the audio, but the gestapo-poes at youtube want me to "prove" I can use my own audio from the other video just to monetize it, after requiring me to creative commons it just to attempt it in the first place. It's easier and faster and more dignified to just remake the video in my own computer with my own audio, which is what I had to do. Youtube does not get it: that their fantabulous video editor is useless if you still can't freely use the content they provide....
Wednesday, April 22, 2015
A Black Powerful Lawyer Needed To Defeat White Devilism In Court
A Black Powerful Lawyer Needed To Defeat White Devilism In Court. I haven't had a driver's license in 32 years, all of my adult life, over 3 alcohol related offenses when I was a teenager. 22 years ago, I fulfilled their requirements for restoration and they denied me. Recently, I invested in a lawyer, Kyle Legel, to restore my license and was subjected to character assassination by Chris Seager as well as an illegal "diagnosis" based on my words and religious beliefs (not on my usage). Later, Hearing Officer Odrobina used that erroneous report to further revoke my license, totally ignoring scientific FACT, my clean 10 tier drug screen.
I'd like to find a Black powerful lawyer who can get my license restored.
VincentCiofani @ yahoo dot com
989 889 6506
POB 105
Grayling MI
Tuesday, April 21, 2015
How Shemales Unintentionally Defeat GMO Cancer Poisoning
How Shemales Unintentionally Defeat GMO Food Cancer Poisoning with marijuana use, diet, and the "two finger dig-out".
This message is brought to you on behalf of Substance Abuse Counselor Chris Seager of Catholic Human Services of Grayling and Hearing Officer Odrobina of the Michigan Secretary of State who are currently engaged in an ongoing rape of my male life with an illegal collaborative effort to further deprive me of a driver's license (after 32 years of not having one over 3 alcohol related offenses while I was a teenager) due to my possession of a medical marijuana card and my religious beliefs about my rights to use marijuana for health reasons and not based on my actual usage (I even had a clean drug test to prove I was abstinent at the time) which is illegal. But it's illegal to interfere with my healthcare or to penalize me for it, so I give them credit for all truth I bring to the public while being deprived of my American rights to be healthy and to my own pursuits of happiness.
This is what I must do with my spare time without a driver's license. If I had a license, I could volunteer at the horse rescue ranch or the animal shelter, instead. But Odrobina and Seager want you to have the truth and that's more important than providing me with justice after all of this time.
Monday, April 20, 2015
Better Attorney Needed To Reinstate My License & Sue MI & Catholic Services
What you're about to see is an illegal ruling by Michigan Secretary of State Hearing Officer Odrobina. A ruling based on a fairy tale "diagnosis" by Catholic Services Substance Abuse Counselor Chris Seager. A ruling that ignores scientific FACT.
I passed a 10 tier urine drug screen, which is FACT, Scientific FACT. A FACT that was totally ignored by Hearing Officer Odrobina when I tried to get my license back after 32 years of illegal revocation based on 3 ALCOHOL related offenses when I was a kid.
The illegal Michigan law requires that I submit to evaluations and drug screens that invade my privacy regarding my healthcare, which is a violation of HIPAA laws AND my rights to my religious beliefs that I can medicate with marijuana instead of chemicals.
I paid a lawyer, Kyle Legel, to represent me who did not ensure that the hearing officer abide by the law and consider scientific FACT over my words and religious beliefs.
My integrity and character were assaulted by the dynamic bumbling duo, Chris Seager and hearing officer Odrobina, as well as my rights and my rights to privacy regarding my treatment.
I need a better lawyer to help me get my driver's license reinstated and to help me sue Michigan and Catholic Human Services. I do not have any money, but I can barter services and enter into a payment agreement for when I'm able to drive/work again...
or call me at
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- MI Sec of State Says “Marijuana Cures Cancer”
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