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UnAmerican BullDykes Are Still Raping Me Daily (crazed rant)

UnAmerican BullDykes Are Still Raping Me Daily (crazed rant)...this was just a crazed rant to try to blow off some steam and get my blo...

Monday, May 25, 2015

Wish I Could Die: How Catholic Services & Sec of State Make Me Feel

(recorded on Friday May 15th, 2015, reposted publicly here today): I've been under Martial Law for almost 33 years now, illegally deprived of my driver's license (over 3 alcohol related offenses when I was a teenager) even though I did everything required to get it back, 22 years ago and then, last year, my rights were violated even further when I was illegally required to submit to an illegal substance abuse evaluation that illegally put my private healthcare information (protected by Federal HIPAA laws) on the table to illegally "diagnose" me as "marijuana dependent" during an era when I was not even using marijuana and had the clean drug screen to prove it, a clean drug test (SCIENTIFIC FACT) that was illegally ignored by "Hearing Officer" Odrobina to give me another illegal furtherance of revocation with illegal stipulations (that violate my rights to religious practice) illegally requiring me to attend NA meetings and confess lies out of my mouth that I'm dependent on something that I am NOT dependent on.
Regardless, of opinion, scientific FACT was ignored and I was denied a fair and just hearing by an impartial hearing officer. Kyle Legel, the "attorney" I paid to rep me (not hold the coats of life rapists), failed to pound that scientific FACT into Odrobina's thick skull during final arguments, nor did Kyle bring up the fact that she can no more deny me a driver's license simply for possessing a Medical Marijuana card and having the religious beliefs that I have the right to medicate with it any more than she could've made that ruling based on prescriptions for Tylenol 3 or Oxycontin or Valium, because it was PRIVILEGED information, protected by Federal HIPAA Laws in the first place.
It's illegal to require drug screens and private healthcare information to restore someone's license over ALCOHOL related offenses, anyway, and I needed a fierce lawyer who could make sure they didn't get away with it. Instead, I had Kyle Legel..."Good goin', Kyle".


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