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UnAmerican BullDykes Are Still Raping Me Daily (crazed rant)

UnAmerican BullDykes Are Still Raping Me Daily (crazed rant)...this was just a crazed rant to try to blow off some steam and get my blo...

Saturday, May 16, 2015

SneakPeak How Dark Seager & Odrobina Made My Life 05-15-2015

Sneak Peak At How Dark Chris Seager of Grayling Catholic Human Services and "Hearing Officer" Odrobina of the Michigan Secretary of State Made My Life, Friday 05-15-2015.
I've become very angry over the injustice of having an incompetent "hearing officer" disregard scientific FACT in the form of a clean drug screen, accepting Chris Seager's cartoonish, stupid, ignorant, molesty, lie laden OPINION disguised as a "report" as reason enough to rape my life by denying me my driver's license restoration and daring to stipulate that I go interact with nasty weak-minded dope fiends by attending N/A (something I cannot do without eventually killing one of those spineless weak freaks that made my life so hard with their weaknesses) in order to get my license back.
I was also denied the benefit of the Map 21 law that Obama signed off on stating that (at minimum) I be given a restricted driver's license with an ignition interlock (breathalyzer) start system, which also violated my rights.
I was denied a fair hearing under the ruling of a just and competent hearing officer AND effective representation of legal counsel because my lawyer, Kyle Legel (I know, ironic, isn't it?), did not include it in his final statement about the scientific factual clean drug screen to make the retard who had my life in her hands, Odrobina, understand that she had no right to deprive me of my driver's license based on the lies of a molested man-hating life molester (Chris Seager) who, herself, had no legal right to make reports on privileged (FICAA Federal law protected) private healthcare information.
What they effectively did was they witch hunted me and penalized me for possessing a medical marijuana card and having the religious belief that I have the right to medicate with marijuana instead of with chemcals (pharmaceuticals/the sorceries of man), illegally "diagnosing" me as "marijuana dependent" when I was not even using marijuana and dropped a clean drug screen (and high PSA level blood test) to prove it.


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