the Girl/Void Vid Sampled: I sampled the guitar/vocal video and added Bass, guitars and back-up vocals; which is what I've been calling "video sampling". This is my 6th video sample (I believe, I lost count). This is one of my own songs from a coupla' years ago. the download is at and the mp3 is at or at ~~ This is a Pseudo Punk original...Pseudo Punk is a genre I created in Detroit about 22 years ago. It's still the ugly step-child that the music industry does not want to acknowledge. But it's not going anywhere, because I did lotsa' Pseudo Punk jams just like this one that people love and won't forget about; so they may as well relent and concede and give it props. This version of the video is using the better (polished) audio I used for the Bela Culo video and the downloads. I tried using youtube video editor to switch the audio, but the gestapo-poes at youtube want me to "prove" I can use my own audio from the other video just to monetize it, after requiring me to creative commons it just to attempt it in the first place. It's easier and faster and more dignified to just remake the video in my own computer with my own audio, which is what I had to do. Youtube does not get it: that their fantabulous video editor is useless if you still can't freely use the content they provide....
"Hearing Officer" Odrobina of the MI Sec of State is still too feeble-minded to accept scientific FACT (clean drug screen) over fairy-tales from a life-rapist (Chris Seager of Catholic Human Services) and Kyle Legel is still too effeminate to properly rep me, so I'm still being denied justice (no driver's license) over childhood alcohol related offenses. They're engaged in an orgy of sodomizing my life with every passing second and nobody will help me escape or get justice.
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UnAmerican BullDykes Are Still Raping Me Daily (crazed rant)
UnAmerican BullDykes Are Still Raping Me Daily (crazed rant)...this was just a crazed rant to try to blow off some steam and get my blo...

Monday, April 27, 2015
the Girl
the Girl/Void Vid Sampled: I sampled the guitar/vocal video and added Bass, guitars and back-up vocals; which is what I've been calling "video sampling". This is my 6th video sample (I believe, I lost count). This is one of my own songs from a coupla' years ago. the download is at and the mp3 is at or at ~~ This is a Pseudo Punk original...Pseudo Punk is a genre I created in Detroit about 22 years ago. It's still the ugly step-child that the music industry does not want to acknowledge. But it's not going anywhere, because I did lotsa' Pseudo Punk jams just like this one that people love and won't forget about; so they may as well relent and concede and give it props. This version of the video is using the better (polished) audio I used for the Bela Culo video and the downloads. I tried using youtube video editor to switch the audio, but the gestapo-poes at youtube want me to "prove" I can use my own audio from the other video just to monetize it, after requiring me to creative commons it just to attempt it in the first place. It's easier and faster and more dignified to just remake the video in my own computer with my own audio, which is what I had to do. Youtube does not get it: that their fantabulous video editor is useless if you still can't freely use the content they provide....
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