Published on Jan 13, 2014
Lying Luciferians/Satanists Can NOT Make a Pact With An Incarcerated Entity! Lucifer has been incarcerated in God's realm with a revoked inter-dimensional pass for a little more than 2,000 years now. When he's released, he'll return to Earth pretending to be Jesus Christ/Joshua, the Son of God/Allah/Jehovah. So the Luciferians and Satanists who associate him to evil are defying his imminent conjoined end time agenda with God. They're counterproductive and perpetuate frauds based on lies and fairytales. For example: They don't have a clue that the Black Bible was NOT inspired nor condoned by Satan or that Aleister Crowley was a clueless charlatan who never communicated with Satan. Anyone who's communicated with Lucifer would know that he's been unable to communicate with, nor externally motivate/instigate, humans (or their behavior) for 2,000 years now. Their lack of this basic knowledge is evidence that they're phonies who either don't know or just don't care about the facts/truth about Lucifer (so their hearts are not truly with him any more than a Rapture Delusion Believing "Christian" has a heart united with Christ).
Sorry to hafta to pull their blankies off, but it's getting redundant with all of the associating Satan to evil he can NOT do nor instigate due to his current incarceration in another dimension. No one alive has ever made a pact with Satan nor have they ever been possessed by true devils (fallen angels), because they were also incarcerated, years ago, and will return with Lucifer when he imitates Christ pretending to be his "angels" the Earth women will throw themselves at.