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UnAmerican BullDykes Are Still Raping Me Daily (crazed rant)

UnAmerican BullDykes Are Still Raping Me Daily (crazed rant)...this was just a crazed rant to try to blow off some steam and get my blo...

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Nonexistent Enraging the Existent

The Nonexistent Are Enraging The Existent...like how the nonexistent monster premonitions responsible for my illegal driver's license revocation are enraging me right now (and with every day that passes that they are allowed to perpetuate this ongoing molestation of my life), even though they do not exist because they'll be eternally executed when they die.
- This spirit scan and it's results, how they're tabulated.
- Ongoing life molestation by corrupt government and the consequences they'll face for it.
- How I thought I'd resort to suicide in protest to the latest illegal ruling, further revoking my driver's license, or at least resort to committing a horrendous crime to draw media attention to the corruption of the Michigan government. But I cannot think of a crime (that I can commit) as horrendous as what's being done to me by the Secretary of State at the hands of cartoonishly incompetent, corrupted and power drunken bull-dykes like Chris Seager (of Catholic Services) and Hearing Officer Odrobina of the Secretary of State.
I'll have to settle for the additional supernatural spiritual power and authority I'll have over them and theirs when I engage in my hunger strike/fast in protest to their ongoing life-rape. Plus the additional curses that get loosed upon them at cartoonish "per" rates, like even per molecule of everyone who should NOT have a driver's license (like drunks, prescription drug users, and illegal immigrants) as long as I'm being illegally deprived of mine (over my BELIEFS regarding medical marijuana) due to incompetence, corruption, sexism, and power drunkenness.
I'm really ugly in this video. I uploaded it and then deleted it, due to that (ugliness), earlier.


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