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UnAmerican BullDykes Are Still Raping Me Daily (crazed rant)

UnAmerican BullDykes Are Still Raping Me Daily (crazed rant)...this was just a crazed rant to try to blow off some steam and get my blo...

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

I Performed A Special Sexual Ritual For Revenge Today

originally published on Monday, December 15, 2014 at 9:55 PM EST

I was already feeling completely raped, like I could not be any more molested. I opened the envelope and the corrupt illegal ruling came pouring out...My driver's license was revoked, again, for another year, until I submit to their illegal demands that I interact with a criminal chemical toilety demographic of people I do not interact with (by attending "meetings" I do not need and have religious beliefs against attending or participating in). I cannot, in all good conscience, attend the meetings that they require; so I'll never get my driver's license back...all due to Chris Seager's initial molestation of my character and who I am as a person, which resulted in the brutal ongoing subjugation now doomed to ensue, indefinitely.

Yeah. I was like a bloodied rape victim who'd just escaped her tormentors...

So I shed the blood of the sacrifice upon the altar at the portal.

I was willing to fuck anybody or anything that could and would get me revenge from the spiritual realm for what Chris Seager and Hearing Officer Odrobina did to me. I prepared my ass and body and consecrated it for the use of the gods. I prepared the bedchamber and the altar/bed of affection. I burned sweet savory smells and good medical grade marijuana. I spared no expense. I was full of lust for them, for our communion, for the blood they could shed. I was honored that they'd find me attractive enough, as a woman, to afford me the opportunity to barter for the "rewards" they can provide.
I attracted brutal spirits of revenge and vengeance to the entrance of the inter-dimensional portal and lured them into our realm with my sexual prowess. I gave them what they came here for, one by one. I sucked some of their dicks and let others of them fuck me in my spiritual vagina (due to me in the near future, so it transverses time and space). I allowed some of them to fuck me in my ass until it was over-sensitive and yet numb, at the same time; and sent them away with requests for payment in the form of revenge upon those who recently raped my male life and made my dreams of becoming an independent working productive man an impossibility.

I left the bed feeling fulfilled, like something had gotten accomplished. It's unfortunate that I must pull rank on mere humans who dare to think that they can indiscriminately use corruption and abuse of authority to oppress law-abiding individuals like me without, first, checking our status to see if we might be one of God's end time Elect. I enjoy the sexual part of it, but I don't necessarily relish the results...What does something negative happening to someone else actually accomplish for my cause? It does not get me my driver's license restored, which is the only thing I truly wanted...
Hey, but maybe I wanted to be incarcerated to a life of sexual servitude to inter-dimensional entities rather than be a man or a musician...After all: God gives us the desires of our hearts, right? This is all I'm allowed to do with my life, and have been allowed to do, for years. So maybe it's God giving me the secret desires of my heart and I just didn't wanna accept it because I didn't wanna be a "freak" in some peoples' eyes. But maybe He needed someone who'd enjoy this calling and commit to doing it properly, like I do. I know I've come to accept and enjoy the captivity and the inter-dimensional sex, and the results of fucking the right spirits to get my enemies dealt with when they go so far as to give me authority over them.

I tried to set the example that you can thrive and succeed while being legal and obeying the law...This recent assault has done nothing to help my argument and has only served to negate it...Now, drunken junkie white devils get to laugh a little bit harder at me as they drive all drunk and fucked-up, half of them without any driver's licenses, at all...Yeah...fucked-up...It had to be avenged, by any means necessary; even if it did mean fucking a legion of shitworm spirits who specialize in authoritative revenge (vengeance given by authority of corruption or abuse of power).

I got gang-fucked by inter-dimensionals today so that they'll retaliate the double teaming (anal life rape) of the bull-dykes in Earthbound power...It was a good experience, all around, with benefits yet to come...Like the days I'll awaken to with no driver's license and no hope of ever getting one again.

Yep...I live for revenge...Thank God I have the power to get it and not break any man-laws while doing it...
True power...They cannot fight what they cannot see...

They have no consciences...That must be remedied. By any means necessary.


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