"Hearing Officer" Odrobina of the MI Sec of State is still too feeble-minded to accept scientific FACT (clean drug screen) over fairy-tales from a life-rapist (Chris Seager of Catholic Human Services) and Kyle Legel is still too effeminate to properly rep me, so I'm still being denied justice (no driver's license) over childhood alcohol related offenses. They're engaged in an orgy of sodomizing my life with every passing second and nobody will help me escape or get justice.
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UnAmerican BullDykes Are Still Raping Me Daily (crazed rant)
UnAmerican BullDykes Are Still Raping Me Daily (crazed rant)...this was just a crazed rant to try to blow off some steam and get my blo...

Wednesday, April 29, 2015
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
White (the cracker song) Self-Collab from the guitar/vocal video sample Lyrics are:
- I can't show no compassion to you 'cuz I'm white. I can't give credit where it is due 'cuz I'm white.
[- Pawn your guitar, buy the meds that you need, while I help these rapers make babies' butts bleed 'cuz I'm white...white...
- I can't show proper kudos to you 'cuz I'm white. I want my stuff and all your stuff, too, 'cuz I'm white.
[- I'll take your money and molest your life. If you try to live it, I'll f*%k-up your life, 'cuz I'm white...yeah, I'm white...white
[-] God I'm so special, just look at me win, at the expense of the hole that you're in. 'Won't be embarrassed, no red in my skin, 'cuz I'm white...
Whi-i-iy-i-hite! God, I'm so special...God, I'm so special...I eat my own!...God, I'm so special...'cuz I'm whi-i-i-i-ite! God, I'm so special...I eat my own!...Yeah, God, I'm so special...God, I'm so special...God, I'm so special...
written by Vincent Nick Ciofani III
This song kinda borrows from an old hit...I didn't notice it until I just listened to it...It was unintentional, but kinda' funny, if you think about it.
this is a comedy song sarcastically poking fun at the mentality of white devils, white devils like Chris Seager of Grayling Catholic Human Services and MI Secretary of State Hearing Officer Odrobina who are engaged in an ongoing rape of my character and life with an illegal and completely erroneous "diagnosis" (that my clean urine debunked) and the resulting illegal ruling of further revocation made as a result of it, or the white devil quacks and government minions disguised as "doctors" who participated in the Psy-Ops against marijuana which made this (deprivation of meds due to not being covered as "prescriptions" and the Seager-Odrobina rape) possible, or white devils like my sisters and "family" who dump thousands of dollars a year into hypocrite training centers/pedophile playgrounds known as "churches", where they were taught to judge people and turn their noses up at $10-million per year empires while I struggle to maintain enough meds to keep cancer at bay, or my drunken junkie brothers who ran my grandpa off of the planet for dope and now have my grandma sick enough to die from them being loser flops who smoke in her house while my "Christian" aunt allows them to do it, or any of the passive terrorists on the Forbes Fortune 500/passive terrorist List worth more than the $420-million glutton cap, or any of the GMO/Monsanto white devils currently poisoning the population with their science experimentation on our food and vaccine supply who're actually retarded enough to think that they can patent God, Christ and Lucifer's ALREADY patented (by them) plants on this planet in this simulation without getting God-smacked, or any white devil currently posing as American "government", or any white devil who vandalizes someone else's life or send viruses online or can't make positive comments on videos or does not aggressively fight against the animal cruelty and pedophilia growing at alarming rates in America due to retarded whack subhuman inferior mainstream media and sports influences and (ahem) "role models", or any white devils who're junkies funding and causing torture, rape, murder and terrorism by cartels, gangs and terrorists due to their weak-mindedness making them think that they're "special" enough to warrant those levels of suffering just so they can get "high", or any self-absorbed white devils who cannot "see" themselves as they negatively effect others, or any of the molested bullies who feel the need to complete the cycle by molesting someone else of their peace via bullying or rape or cruelty, or any of the molested white devils committing adultery for the cheap thrill they remember as kids, or any of the Grayling white devils who prank called me and gang stalked my wife and me and never apologized because they're products of inferior raising and became nasty little fake "Christian" secret dope hoes or any of the northern Michigan "musicians" who refused to jam with me after that homophobic ongoing gang stalking, and especially about any white devils from the Detroit area who're in the mainstream who never reached down to pull me up because of their fear of me "shadowing" them.
The more mean-spirited white devils are towards me the more mean-spirited I'll become and reciprocate it upon them, 500-quadrillion fold (an algebraic equation most retarded mean-spirited molested white devils will never comprehend).
The white devilism has gotten redundant, so redundant that it's now comical in its sadness.
Monday, April 27, 2015
the Girl
the Girl/Void Vid Sampled: I sampled the guitar/vocal video and added Bass, guitars and back-up vocals; which is what I've been calling "video sampling". This is my 6th video sample (I believe, I lost count). This is one of my own songs from a coupla' years ago. the download is at https://soundcloud.com/BelaCulo and the mp3 is at http://www.reverbnation.com/belaculo or at http://www.noisetrade.com/BelaCulo ~~ This is a Pseudo Punk original...Pseudo Punk is a genre I created in Detroit about 22 years ago. It's still the ugly step-child that the music industry does not want to acknowledge. But it's not going anywhere, because I did lotsa' Pseudo Punk jams just like this one that people love and won't forget about; so they may as well relent and concede and give it props. This version of the video is using the better (polished) audio I used for the Bela Culo video and the downloads. I tried using youtube video editor to switch the audio, but the gestapo-poes at youtube want me to "prove" I can use my own audio from the other video just to monetize it, after requiring me to creative commons it just to attempt it in the first place. It's easier and faster and more dignified to just remake the video in my own computer with my own audio, which is what I had to do. Youtube does not get it: that their fantabulous video editor is useless if you still can't freely use the content they provide....
Wednesday, April 22, 2015
A Black Powerful Lawyer Needed To Defeat White Devilism In Court
A Black Powerful Lawyer Needed To Defeat White Devilism In Court. I haven't had a driver's license in 32 years, all of my adult life, over 3 alcohol related offenses when I was a teenager. 22 years ago, I fulfilled their requirements for restoration and they denied me. Recently, I invested in a lawyer, Kyle Legel, to restore my license and was subjected to character assassination by Chris Seager as well as an illegal "diagnosis" based on my words and religious beliefs (not on my usage). Later, Hearing Officer Odrobina used that erroneous report to further revoke my license, totally ignoring scientific FACT, my clean 10 tier drug screen.
I'd like to find a Black powerful lawyer who can get my license restored.
VincentCiofani @ yahoo dot com
989 889 6506
POB 105
Grayling MI
Tuesday, April 21, 2015
How Shemales Unintentionally Defeat GMO Cancer Poisoning
How Shemales Unintentionally Defeat GMO Food Cancer Poisoning with marijuana use, diet, and the "two finger dig-out".
This message is brought to you on behalf of Substance Abuse Counselor Chris Seager of Catholic Human Services of Grayling and Hearing Officer Odrobina of the Michigan Secretary of State who are currently engaged in an ongoing rape of my male life with an illegal collaborative effort to further deprive me of a driver's license (after 32 years of not having one over 3 alcohol related offenses while I was a teenager) due to my possession of a medical marijuana card and my religious beliefs about my rights to use marijuana for health reasons and not based on my actual usage (I even had a clean drug test to prove I was abstinent at the time) which is illegal. But it's illegal to interfere with my healthcare or to penalize me for it, so I give them credit for all truth I bring to the public while being deprived of my American rights to be healthy and to my own pursuits of happiness.
This is what I must do with my spare time without a driver's license. If I had a license, I could volunteer at the horse rescue ranch or the animal shelter, instead. But Odrobina and Seager want you to have the truth and that's more important than providing me with justice after all of this time.
Monday, April 20, 2015
Better Attorney Needed To Reinstate My License & Sue MI & Catholic Services
What you're about to see is an illegal ruling by Michigan Secretary of State Hearing Officer Odrobina. A ruling based on a fairy tale "diagnosis" by Catholic Services Substance Abuse Counselor Chris Seager. A ruling that ignores scientific FACT.
I passed a 10 tier urine drug screen, which is FACT, Scientific FACT. A FACT that was totally ignored by Hearing Officer Odrobina when I tried to get my license back after 32 years of illegal revocation based on 3 ALCOHOL related offenses when I was a kid.
The illegal Michigan law requires that I submit to evaluations and drug screens that invade my privacy regarding my healthcare, which is a violation of HIPAA laws AND my rights to my religious beliefs that I can medicate with marijuana instead of chemicals.
I paid a lawyer, Kyle Legel, to represent me who did not ensure that the hearing officer abide by the law and consider scientific FACT over my words and religious beliefs.
My integrity and character were assaulted by the dynamic bumbling duo, Chris Seager and hearing officer Odrobina, as well as my rights and my rights to privacy regarding my treatment.
I need a better lawyer to help me get my driver's license reinstated and to help me sue Michigan and Catholic Human Services. I do not have any money, but I can barter services and enter into a payment agreement for when I'm able to drive/work again...
or call me at
Saturday, April 11, 2015
N MI Women Are White Devils (rant)
N MI Women Are White Devils (rant)...just another rant to lower my BP they got up with their evil behavior again...more words that will not fall to the ground because they'll be collected to use as an inter-dimensional arsenal against them...It's actually supposed to be used for positive stuff (the energy reciprocation power) but the white devils keep depriving me of anything positive to bless...so the power gets used from another angle due to their own negativity.
Thursday, April 2, 2015
You Don't Care Because You're Already Broken
You Don't Care Because You're Already Broken: You'll find that those who do not care are already broken, programmed, hypnotized, zombified, and therefore not fit for service to God (Allah), Jesus Christ/Joshua (the Son of Allah), nor Lucifer/Satan (due to arrive on Earth pretending to be Jesus, the Son of Allah, for a growing season, soon).
We are currently in a sophisticated mechanism designed to scan our spirits while we are merely premonitions of our potential existences to gauge our viability for actual existence in the real version of what this all simulates.
This message is brought to you on behalf of Substance Abuse Counselor Chris Seager of Catholic Human Services of Grayling and Hearing Officer Odrobina of the Michigan Secretary of State who are currently engaged in an ongoing rape of my male life with an illegal collaborative effort to further deprive me of a driver's license (after 32 years of not having one over 3 alcohol related offenses while I was a teenager) due to my possession of a medical marijuana card and my religious beliefs about my rights to use marijuana for health reasons and not based on my actual usage (I even had a clean drug test to prove I was abstinent at the time) which is illegal. But it's illegal to interfere with my healthcare or to penalize me for it, so I give them credit for all truth I bring to the public while being deprived of my American rights to be healthy and to my own pursuits of happiness.
This is what I must do with my spare time without a driver's license. If I had a license, I could volunteer at the horse rescue ranch or the animal shelter, instead. But Odrobina and Seager want you to have the truth and that's more important than providing me with justice after all of this time.
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- You Don't Care Because You're Already Broken
- N MI Women Are White Devils (rant)
- Better Attorney Needed To Reinstate My License & S...
- How Shemales Unintentionally Defeat GMO Cancer Poi...
- A Black Powerful Lawyer Needed To Defeat White Dev...
- the Girl
- "White"
- Christians, Grayling, Seager, Legel & Odrobina Sto...
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