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UnAmerican BullDykes Are Still Raping Me Daily (crazed rant)

UnAmerican BullDykes Are Still Raping Me Daily (crazed rant)...this was just a crazed rant to try to blow off some steam and get my blo...

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Your Imminent Doom Is Not God's Will

Your Imminent Doom Is Not God's Will, nor is it Christ's or Lucifer's will. Lucifer wants as many adoring subjects as possible when he returns to this planet to rule it for a growing season "as" Jesus Christ/Joshua (the Son of God/Allah). The lesser caliber spirits, that many of us commonly refer to as "shitworm spirits" or "shitworms" for short, have been on a mutinous agenda against God, Christ, and Lucifer (and their conjoined end time agendas) ever since they were cast to this dimension and were deprived of bodies that would have enabled them to have sex with the human women (like the fallen angels and Satan were doing).
Part of the mutinous agenda of the shitworms is to perpetuate genocide on the humans so that there are fewer "subjects" to worship Lucifer when he arrives pretending to be Jesus.
The shitworms also are busying themselves with dumbing down entire populations so that the women will be too stupid, childish, self-absorbed and infantile for the fallen angels and Lucifer to find sexually desirable (because they are not pedophiles nor rapists nor defilers of innocence, which are all shitworm traits).
Shtiworms are impotent (in the common sense) and are therefore prone to cause violence and unnecessary suffering whenever they can. It's also a testament to them being lower caliber spirits that cannot be trusted with bodies: Just look at the atrocities they cause those who're susceptible to their influence to commit upon other creations of God (murder, rape, pedophilia, genocide, extortion, theft, subjugation, enslavement, etc). It's like their minds were raped and God knew better than to trust them with bodies. What's funny is, when this spirit scan ends, they're gonna get what they wished for (to be in bodies) because they will be time looped as every victim (human and animal) of their influence before they are eternally executed to never exist to cause those atrocities (the same fate awaits those that they controlled and caused to commit those atrocities).
So, armed with this knowledge, you see how your impending doom is actually the will of lesser (lower) caliber spirits (than Satan and the fallen angels who will accompany him) and not the will of God (Allah) nor Jesus Christ/Joshua (His Son), nor Lucifer (who will be impersonating Christ, soon).


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